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I was standing up and was taking my shoulder pads off when Coach spoke up to talk to everyone. "Guys, I think there's something you all need to know," Everyone, except me, looked at one another and thought what he could he possibly tell them that could be so bad. In fact, to me it was just some ordinary accident that happens everyday to someone around the world. It affected me, but I learnt to cope with it. And Connie already knew this.

"What happened? Who's out?" Portamn asked standing up, pointing to several different people.

"No one, dummy," Jesse said. Some laughed but got quiet when Coach continued. I had finished takng my gear off and I sat down. I had pulled my chair back so I could lean against my locker and cross my arms as I listen to this.

"One of the players came up to me and had asked if I could tell you about them a little. I know it may seem boring at first, but this is something everyone has been wondering about. Kylie's knee," Everyone looks over at me and I look straight forward at Coach, no emotion and they sit there thinking and processing this.

"Her knee wasn't a sports injury from Hockey. I would've known," Some laughed because he had a knee injury. He took a minute to pause, I didn't want to tell everyone because I didn't have the guts to say that in front of my entire team. "About five months ago, everyone was living happy normal lives. Well so was Kylie, until four months ago she was in a fatal car accident,"

That's when all the gasps were heard. Connie knew about this all ready and look at me sympathetically. She knew what had happened, but the guys on either side of her were staring either at the ground or the person in front of them as they listened to this. I started seeing visions of the car flipping over and stopping as I was trapped there int he car that was upside down. I was screaming bloody murder for help, no one other than the injured boy heard me.

"I'm not sure if I should continue or not," Coach was tearing up himself. I stood up and walked over to him. I was shorter than he was, but I was still a good height when combined with all the boys. I was taller than some, short than Portman, Fulton, Adam, and Dwayne. I was about the same height as  Guy and Charlie.

"I'll continue for you, Coach," He smiles looking at me. "I know I've lied the entire time to most of you, but I thought this was something that you all needed to know. It was easier if I had Coach take it off my chest for me. But no," I took a breath and continued. "In the car accident, there was five of us. Two girls, three boys. The second girl and two boys passed away in the crash while my friend's older brother and I survived,"

I looked at Adam, seeing he was almost in tears. I always thought when I was young that boys didn't cry because they grew into men who never cry either. But maybe boys do cry and when they do, it's all right because we're all the same and we all deserve to cry sometimes. It made me smile, because I was thinking back on something that recently happeend that made me happy.

I loomed around the room at everyone. " The car had flipped twice, landed upside down and after that I fell unconscious and don't remember much. In the hospital, I had a non displaced fracture, which means there was a fracture in my bone but it wasn't moving or out of place. I was stuck in a coma for a month because of brain injuries, but I swear that was the best month of my entire four months of recovery. I had to quit playing hockey, which is why in the begining I was practice."

"What happened that you needed to go in a coma?" Luis asked, he was next to me. Looking all right, but everyone in this room was sad and sympathetic. I hated the attentuon on me, but I had to let them know. Even Dean was a little sad, I didn't mind if he didn't, everyone is different.

"I couldn't really remember why, there was a couple reasons. My brain was just too weak, I didn't have enough blood flow in certain spots, so they put me in a coma to help heal things better," He nods.

Coach told everyone something afterwards and what not. They had said not to worry about this too much and if they had anything to say, that they go and talk to me, preferably alone. I was all right with that.

Everyone had left the locker, except Adam and I walked with him down the halls. I was gonna walk with him until we reach our separate dorm rooms, both on the same level. Just at different ends of the halls. I was carrying my bag on my shoulder when Adam had started talking. "Kylie, can I ask you something?"

I nodded. "Of course you can. You know, you don't have to ask me if you can ask me something. You're free, Adam, do what you want," He nods.

He rubs his neck and looks at the ground as we walk. "I want to know where we stand as friends," I look up at him confused. "I know we've been quiet and all, but we've been giving each other looks lately and I just want to know where we stand,"

"All right," I tell him as we turn and head up the stairs. "I think that we need to be honest with each other," I respond. I know I am not honest and that was a bad thing to say. But he basically had put me on the spot and I couldn't think of anything else to say. "And if you want me to be honest, then I have to say that I've lied to you before," He nods, thinking.

"I guess if we're being honest, I should tell you that I kissed you know who," My jaw dropped, my heart sank. It's not that I love Adam in any way. It's because he kissed my... my...sister. Oh, that was hard to say. He's never kept something like that from me. That's way bigger than what I imagined it being.  I backed away from him and looked at him as he tried coming closer to me.

"How old we're you?"

"Actually," He rubs his neck. I stood there and waited for the worse. "I kissed her before we left to come here. It was the day you got back," I shake my head as I continue up the stairs. Adam wad following me up the stairs, pleading his case. I shook my head, he can't and won't do this to me. WHy'd he do it? Because he liked her or to just piss me off and say he's kissed a girl? She's a year older than he is, which is fine, but she's a year and a half older than I am. Adam's half a year older than I am, he'll be fifteen in like six months. "I can explain, Kylie, please,"

I stop at my dorm room and walk inside, slamming the door shut. I didn't want to be rude and slam it on his face. but I did and he deserved it for keeping something that big from. Wait until my dad finds out, Adam's so gonna get into trouble. But wait, I'm his friend, I can't do that. I am mad at him but revenge isn't the case.

Connie and Julie happened to be in the room. Julie came over to me and asked what happened. "Adam's a liar," I told her.

"How?" Connie asked.

"He-he-he kissed my sister," I close my eyes as I tell them. I open my eyes and pick up my back, bringing it over to my bed. I have no clue why I brought my bag. My skates, helmet, and gear are all at the locker room and I have my jerseys in this bag, extra clothes and a pair of shoes.

"Why does that bother you so much?" Julie asked.

"Because it was my sister, who I hate a lot. And he's never kept something that big from me before. Plus, he did it when I came back from Wadena with Coach Bombay," They both nod and take their seats on their beds as we talk some more. We have to be out of here in about forty minutes for the interview with the press.

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