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Kylie's POV

I wasn't excited about the five miles. But I've done it before so it shouldn't be too bad. But Coach might be in a golf cart the entire time while I run just make sure I don't drop out or don't do it. If he is, then so be it and he also should gain trust in me. I practically took the blame for everything when really it was all our fault, but I didn't need them getting in trouble. I knew what punishments he could give out, so I just didn't bother.

We were only two about an hour of scrimmage and then afterwards we'd all go and do what ever, while I run. Coach decided to do the 'newbies and I' against the Ducks again because he wanted to see how everyone improved. But I gotta be better, faster, and stronger than all of them. I have to show my father that I am like him and will live up to his legend. I want to and got to. Or else I wouldn't be a true Bombay child. Bad enough I hid it from the world, the team and my good friends.

Julie was net and hasn't let a puck slip by yet while Goldberg had let one puck slip by accident, which was a goal by me and assist by Dwayne. We were doing pretty good, but we weren't kicking their butts this time. it was pretty equal with powerful players from each time. I get told all the time that Adam's the hotshot player of this team. I do believe that, but I want a title too, not just known as Kylie Schaffer or Kylie Bombay. I've been through a lot in the past years and this is my comeback. I want to be just as good or even better than Adam, without hurting him of course.

Charlie was coming down the ice now and he had passed the puck to Charlie. Portman had yelled at me to keep an eye on him at all time and stick by him. He didn't want Conway making a goal for his team. We needed to the defense, but my father didn't teach two way hockey. I liked all hockey, street, ice, just for fun, rules, no rules, offense and defense. Checkings, penalties, anything. I was fine with it completely.

I watched Charlie the entire time as he tried dekeing me out. But I knew this classic move and he couldn't get by me. Soon Portman had enough of us 'playing' around and he did the work himself. He slammed Charlie into the boards and had taken the puck. Passing it out to Ken. Kenny continue down the ice with the puck as he deked Averman and shoved him over. I was behind him as I was skating around players at my fastest. Luis was up ahead with us while Portman and Robertson.

I had knocked Guy to the ground and the girls, well Connie. She may be my best friend here along with Julie whom are girls, but that doesn't mean we gotta play nice. I gotta show my dad that I'm the best of the best on this team. I can't do this all alone, but if you see me, I've been scouted out quite a bit and I am not sure if anyone else has on this team yet.

I had turned in a half circle stopping as Ken passed the puck to me because he was stuck. I skated back a bit and looked around as I skated side to side in a minimum spot waiting to see who else was open. Luis was tapping his stick against the ground. I passed it out to him as he was speeding down the ice. "Concentration, Luis! Not strentgh!" I yelled, that's what I use when I've got speed and need to concentrate on stopping before I run into someone.

He yelled something back as he scored and ran into the boards. At least he scored, right? My team all huddled together cheering as Coach had stopped the game to talk to the Ducks. They didn't wear Duck jerseys, they wore the USA ones while us Newbies wore hoodies or tee-shirts with our shoulder pads over top. yeah, they could see our gear, which was fine because at least we're not skating around here butt naked. Boys would be starin' and girls would be checkin'.

After Coach's small chit chat with his team and we came up with a game plan together. We were ready to go. Portman decided to swtich Dwayne and I out so he could get a shot to shoot and not just stay in the back. Charlie was off the ice holding his side and breathing kinda quickly. At the moment I didn't realise what I did or what I had done or felt bad, until the game was over, that was when I realised he was hurting.

I stood as a defensemen with Portman, and or as we call, ane nforcer and now as my time to shove kids to the ground, get the puck to the forwards and lead scorer. We should get a hat trick! I've seen them before, it's where someone gets a goal three times in a row in one game. I've gotten one before of course, so has Adam, but I was twelve last time that happened, or was I thirteen?

Portman and I stood guard and took our postions as we stayed furthest away from the net. But if we had the shot, we could go up to the net and score. If that's what it takes, than do it. The Ducks were apssing the puck between each other until Jesse went behind the net, calling out the Flying 'V'. Great! They're going down, we know this move by heart and know all their weakness.

I look at Portman and he smiles back at me with an evil smirk. "Let's go!" He yells. he and I pick up our speed and once we hit the ducks we both knock every single one of them over and get the puck. I passed it back and forth between myself and passed it up to Dwayne. He had the puck and went right up the net scoring. Okay, so the ducks aren't so good right now, they don't got Charlie or Adam. Adam's out for awhile and we got an open spot on the roster while Charlie's out for my actions.

We all cheered as we ahead by three hot points. After awhile Coach stopped the entire game seeing everyone was tired. He dismissed all of my team while the Ducks, Adam, and Charlie stayed behind. I can see why he put us on a team, but they had me on their team then they're sure to win. I know, I sound so selfish but I'm in a good mood and in game mode. When you're caught in game mode, you don't see the reality of things around you.

We all walked in, taking our gear off before even getting to our spots. I was already taking the straps ofmy hockey pants off my shoulder when Portman called out, "Good job, guys, we nailed them!" We all cheered together. I haven't a been a Duck as long as the others and neither has Adam, but he's been with them longer than I have, so I guess I'm just starting to call myself a Duck.

I was getting undressed and was almost done. So I went into the washroom area and changed into shorts and then walked back out. I was wearing my jean shorts, that my dad hated when I wore them because he said they were too short, when really,this is the new generation of kids, not the old. I was wearing the black Hendrix long sleeve shirt that was like an activewear kind shirt. So, I'm keeping it on, not because I don't feel like changing but because we got a game later tonight against Germany.

I was getting my shoes on when the Ducks all walked in sweaty, smelly, and they looked ridiculous. I was gonna go spend my afternoon in the town. I may be a hockey player who always dresses like a tomboy, but I still do shopping and when I do, it's not clothes most of the time, it's hockey stuff or other junk I don't need but want.

I walked down the hall and headed upstairs. Once in my room, I stood in front of the mirror and let my hair down out of it's braids. I put my hands in my hair shaking it up and loosen the strands of wet hair. They'll dry out and soon become wavy. I didn't bother to curl or straighten my hair, it was fine the way it was. I got my bag and waited for the girls because I didn't feel like going out alone. So, I waited for Julie and Connie to come with me.

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