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I stood at the interview, in the front because my dad didn't want me to sulk in the back, which I wasn't. I was just pist off with Adam. I didn't look at him once. I kinda just glared. And all different people from different press companies asked the team or Coach different questions. And Hendrix sports apparel had gave us a mascot which was, I believe, a polar bear. In my opinion, the polar bear mascot thing wasn't really needed.

We had the press say stuff like how we beat our first team today, how practices have been, how the new team members have been, and then there was question I thought they'd never say. "Coach Bombay, we heard your kid played hockey as well, why aren't they competing in the games?"

I kinda just stood there as I felt the stare of my father looking at me. I was hoping they'd ask about someone else or even something else. I saw Charlie, he was next to me and he was looking right at me. I felt him nudge my shoulder once and it got my attention all right. I turned towards him and waited for what he wanted. "I didn't know he had a kid, but I had a feeling about something," Charlie whispered into my ear. I nod.

"Next question," My father said. I guess it was a little too tricky to try not to tell anyone that his kid was actually here.

"Do you guys think you can beat Team Iceland?" Someone asked. Everyone looked at Coach, wondering what he was going to say. But I'd say that he wouldn't need any help because he's been doing interviews like this for a long while now.

My dad thinks of something quick and smart to say, "I think Team USA could do really well if they all work as team and I believe we can take on any challenge given to us."

Just then, Team Iceland came walking in all together. They were big players, bigger than any of us. They were all so quiet but scary looking and their Coach, the Dentist, was just as scary looking with his hair geled back and glued to his head. "Team USA couldn't beat us, no one has and why do you think you're gonna be first,"

They can't treat our team like this. And before my dad or anyone could say anything, I had piped up. "I don't know, maybe it could change this year. Winners gotta be loosers sometime in their lifetime, I've seen it and maybe this year is yours!" I said but yelled the last part and Charlie had wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me off the stage along with the Ducks. My father led us all out and I scoffed as I passed the Iceland team.

"Look at the little girl, standing up for her team," I was gonna go at 'em when Charlie held me back again and had set me down once we left the area we were at.

"Calm down, Kylie," He told me. I shook my head and left the others. I wasn't gonna calm down, this team has been through ups and downs, many many loses in the begining and look where they are now. This team isn't going down any time soon, this team is going up and only up. I have faith in them, every single one of them.

The entire team was out and about now, Coach was gone with Mr. Tibbles and I was walking with Charlie outside because he suggested that I cooled down from earlier. I didn't want to, but had to. "I heard that Adam was too honest with you earlier," Charlie laughs.

"Indeed he was and what he did was wrong,"

"How wrong?"

"He lied to me. Well, he was more so not honest with me," He nods. I didn't think news like that could travel fast around here. But when you're with a bunch of boys who want to know stuff, they're gonna figure outa way to find out what someone is hiding. What's even worse is that one of the boys and one of the girls are together, so they both sides have easy access to ideas and what not from both sides of views.

I don't know what it is, but I don't feel mad at Charlie anymore like I use to. I feel like now I'm actually letting my guard down and am willing to talk to him whereas before I hated him completely and didn't want any part in his life. To me, he ruined my life before but now I realised that if my dad loves or cares about someone, then I should be happy for him. Except for our teacher here, no way am I letting him fall in love with her, we'll only be here for the Games and then go back home or something.

Honestly, right now I want to be best friends with Adam, but I can't until I learn and figure out why he did it. I would never go around kissing his older brother, but he went and kissed mine. I was fine with that, I just didn't like how he kept it from me and as well, why her? My sister's a monster! She's a terrible no good evil person. She always use to blame everything on me and my mother kinda just went along or something. I always in the end being the 'bad' child. I am not bad, I'm just a little difficult to work with at times.

I want everything to go back to the way they were. Where before our first game, Adam helped me out by seeing if I was able to do that course. He was there the entire time, didn't let me fall, and always told me to get back when I felt like giving up. He'd never bail on me and I wouldn't bail on him for the world. But I think that since we haven't seen each other in awhile, our lives are different now. I sure know that mine is. His is perfect and mine has to deal with secrets, lying, bullying, hockey, and stress.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear Charlie laugh a little. I look up to see him with a cheeky smile on his face as we were walking around still. I had no idea where we were going, but where ever we were going, I wasn't sure.

We went around the block once and were now headed inside and just going to sit in the lounge. I didn't know what I was gonna do, because tomorrow we got school and a work out practice thing all together and then the day after that we have another game. " Everything," He nods and I assume that I had to go more into detail for him. "I just think that maybe now is a good time for Adam and I to have a break from each other,"

"Wait, you're dating?!" He asked, I looked around with wide eyes and quickly covered his mouth as I pulled him over to the stairs from his seat.

"Charlie, be quiet," I shouldn't of said that because I am sure it made him believe more that Adam and I were actually dating. Reality check, we're not!  "We're not a thing, never were, never have," I told him.

He pried my hand off his mouth. "So, what are you then?"

"Good friends that need a break from one another," He nods.

"You had me believing that there was something going on between you two," I rolled my eyes and started heading upstairs because I was utterly bored and decided to find something to do. I was fine with talking to Charlie, but maybe I could watch a movie or read a book or something. "Where you going?"

"My room, you?"

"No idea," He responds rubbing his arm. I could let him come watch a movie with me. It'll keep him from being bored as well. And I'll have company to watch the movie with.

I smiled and stopped at my dorm room. I knew none of the others were here because the room was silent inside and because Connie said she'd be with Guy and Julie said she was gonna hang around and explore. So, I had the room to myself. "Wanna watch a movie with me?"

"Me? In there? I don't even think we're suppose to mix?" I look at him like he's stupid and open the door to my room.

Mix, who cares? It's not like we're dating or anything. He doesn't have to be afraid and if it bothers him so much than he can sit on a bottom bunk or different bed than mine. "All right, well, if you want me, I'll be watching a movie," I said.

He sighs loudly and walks into the room, agreeing to watch a movie with me since he admitted that he had nothing better to do since he had no idea where the boys were. I shut the door and walk over to the TV to put a random movie in the VHS player. There was a TV in this room, along with a shelf full of different cheesy movies, so I picked one and it looks like we're watching The Cutting Edge. I read the back, it's some hockey-figure skating movie, which involves some romance, but not much.

We both ended up taking seats on the small couch that was there. There was enough room for about four of us to fit in on the two seater couch. I was small in size and Charlie was still growing and or attempting to get muscles. So we each sat on one side as we watched the movie. It was quiet in here, but full of light because neither of us wanted to shut the window and pull the drapes over, so we had to deal with that.

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