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Later during the day I decided to go downstairs with Connie and Julie so we grab a bite to eat.  I was starving since I haven't eaten since yesterday, which is my fault. Anyways, I wanted to catch up on things with Connie and get to know Julie better. She's knew and could use some friends on this hockey team. I also gotta say that her goalie skills are amazing, way better than any of the goalies I've played against, Goldberg doesn't count though because he never use to play well before.

 We were walking in to find our seats and when we got there, some of the boys happened to be there as well. I only knew they were there because I felt a stare on me and I could hear them. They were loud, louder than they've ever been before and that's bad because usually they're really loud. We took our seats, Connie and I sat together on one side of the booth and then Julie took the other. Connie had her hair in a nice side braid while min and Julie's locks were out and about. My hair was long, not as long as Connie, but just a little shorter. And it was longer than Julie's hair.

I still do that thing where I wear braids during games because it keeps my hair out of my face and when I'm not playing hockey, or any kind of sport, than my hair is down and flawless. It's naturally wavy, but I always either leave it, straighten it or curl it. I like my hair curled, it's super nice. I also want to have the blonde ends or even dye my hair completely. But I'd rather go with the blonde ends for now and I kinda decided that why not do it here? I'm in LA! It's a beautiful place, there's lights at night and everything. I gotta do something rebellious here, and this rebellious act will be noticed by my father.

I could feel the stares from the boys' booth towards us and I wasn't sure if they were looking at only me or all of us. But I had a feeling Adam or even Charlie was mad at me because of something I did. I only played rough during hockey, didn't really acknowledge Adam, and I was rude towards Charlie... Oh, I see what I did. I did everything. "Hey, Kylie, are you all right?" Connie asks me.

I kinda nod back and forth. "I don't know, do you know what's wrong with them?" I asked her and she and Julie look over at the boys. Connie waves and then looks back at me as Julie is still looking at them. Observing them.

"Well, Adam found out something that none of us knew. He was telling the guys, and Guy told me," I nod.

Before I could say what I wanted to, a lady walked up to the three of us asking what we'd like to drink and eat. The place was split into half and it was a restaurant. Really silly, I know. But hey, at least we're not sleeping in cabins, All though, that would be fun and we should all do that sometime. We were on the restaurant side of the place, but when we all ate as a team it was free and if we were a couple of us, then we had to pay. I didn't mind, most of the time we'll be here together.

"Um, I'll take a Coke with the Chicken Parmesan Noodles, please," Connie ordered. Julie went next and then it'll be me.

"Just fries and water, please,"

Now was my turn and I was in a trance that I didn't even realise it. "Oh, sorry. I'll have the salad with no dressing, plenty croutons please. And I'll have a Pepsi, too, please," She nods writing everything down and then leaving. "So, do you know what Adam knows?"

"Are you and he dating or something? 'Cause if you are, you shouldn't be scared to ask your boyfriend something," Julie asks and Connie laughs as I sink in my seat, crossing my arms. No, Adam and I are far from that, but are the closest as friends here, between boy and girl of couse. Connie's dating, and dating and friends are kinda different.

Connie spoke up for me because I was a little offended by that. I am not dating Adam. But right now, I don't really know what my feelings are. I have no clue if mine and Adam's friendship has rekindled since we've reunited. Maybe he made new friends, maybe he's dating someone else. I never know because I haven't seen him in two and a half years. "Uh no, she and Adam are just good friends. And Kylie, he thinks there's something up with you. Is Coach Bombay actually your dad's cousin? Adam says otherwise,"

"What do you mean? You think he'd know who my father is and isn't?" I ask her, the waitress came and gave us all our food and we thanked her for it.

"Well, no, but he said that you don't live out of town. He said you've lived here your entire life," I can't keep lying to them and yes Adam is on my case. But oh well. I'll have to tell them soon and I don't want to, it could ruin everything for myself and the others or even my father.

"Can we just drop it, please?" I ask them. Connie nods, "I'm sorry, I should've never asked,"

"If it makes you feel any better, Kylie, we're here for you no matter what. We're all there for each other, "Julie smiles as she tells us that. I nod and we start eating as Julie talks a little about herself. Her childhood, her old team, her  hobbies and everything. It was interesting and I like her a lot, she's cool.

After we all ate, we decided to go upstairs to our dorm to chill for the night and then do what ever tomorrow. But first I told them that I'd go talk to Coach. So I said they could go up and I'd meet with them later on. I can't keep lying, but the entire dad situation will stay for a little longer.

I headed down the hall and entered our locker room and turned to reach my dad's office. I tapped on the door and he told me to enter. I walked in and took a seat. His office was nice, useful, and not a complete waste of materials because some offices are crappy looking. "So, what brings in my daughter?"

"That's the thing, dad. I have two things, I'd be fine if you tell the entire team at next practice or before our game what happened to my knee. They deserve to know and a lot of them have been asking for awhile now. And secondly-"

"Hold your horses, Ky. You're telling me that you're fine with your old man telling all these kids what happened to your knee? I could tear up!" I laugh,

"You're so old," He smiles and leans over his desk to ruffle my hair as he rolls his eyes playfully. My dad and I are closer than before and I like that but still have my differences with Charlie. "Anyways, secondly, I'll tell the team later on that you're my father. Adam's on to me because he knows I've been living in that old damn town my entire life,"

"Calm down, okay, tomorrow before after our game I'll tell everyone about your knee and they'll hopefully stop asking and be the first ones to cry before I do," I stand up and thank him and then leave. I go upstairs to my dorm room and meet Charlie in the hall, we said a simply hi as he continued down the hall to go to his dorm room filled with rowdy loud boys.

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