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Today was game day and I was ready to play. I had no pain and lots of laughter, since Connie was making the three of us laugh. We were at breakfast right now and I wasn't hungry and well, I don't prefer eating on a big day like this. I've now restricted myself from eating on important game days, much like this one.

I didn't tell anyone about last night because I don't want him to tell anyone about my tattoo. ANd like he said, he barely knows me. I was shocked when that happen, but I don't know how I felt after that. I still had progressed it yet. To me it seemed like a one second kiss to make me shut up. If he would have meant it, it would've been longer. But to me, I didn't feel nothing. Does make me a bad person? For not seeing anything witht hat kiss? I don't even know if he likes me or not because my feelings are so mixed and plus, my father wouldn't allow it.

Julie and Connie sat across from me and we were not the only ones here. Iceland was in here at the far all together speaking islandic, I believe it's called. And then Team Canada was here, and so was Germany. The rest of the teams had left because they were out of tournie. I don't like saying tournament, it's too long to say and I prefer tournie over the other word. "Hey, we never asked, why'd you get back so late after the game?" Julie asks as she shuffles her food around. I was looking down at my coffee cup.

Yeah, I don't usually drink coffee but my father lets me on big game days like this because he wants me to be pumped. It actually works for me, for the rest of my team, old team, they'd have to drink the power drinks or get a good night's sleep without eating either. None of us on my old team ate before games. So if we had two games in a day, then we ate right after the first game and made sure it was small but nutritional and healthy. "Well I was covered in sweat and needed a shower,"

"Oh, that explains it," Connie says as she ate some of her bacon. Julie was sitting back in her seat with her arms crossed. Soon, it got super louder and we immediately knew that that was the rest of Team USA. All the different teams, including Julie and Connie, looked at the entrance to see all the boys from Team USA walking in with their USA clothes on, smiles on their faces and they were all laughing together or play wrestling as they walked.

I rolled my eyes, "What?" Julie asked.

"Nah, it's nothing," I told him. I disliked when my team was the loudest of them all. People actually knew we were there and it was embarassing at times. Sometimes I feel a whole lot more mature them and other times I feel like a complete child, like they all are right now.

Soon, Portman, Fulton, and Luis all walked up to our table. Portman setting his hands on our table at the edge. Scaring Connie at first. Her and I were at the edge of the table while Julie had inside of the both on Connie's side and I had no one. "Sup, my fellow babes?" He asks.

He wasn't the quietest and most people heard. I heard Team Canada laugh at what he said. I ignored him at first and if not, I'll give him what he wants. "Go away," Julie said rolling her eyes. Connie had left and walked over by Guy. I didn't know why, but she was just standing there watching.

"Why, babes? Very good looking today, both of you," From the corner of my eye, I saw Adam, Charlie , and Guy looking at us and wanting to come over here and stop him. Luis and Fulton had left by now and were with the others. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

I turn my head and look at him. "Wanna talk? I'll talk," I tell him standing up and jumping out of the both. I kicked him in the groin and he was bent over now. I hunched over at his level and said, "There, we talked, no go,"

He slowly went back to the others and I sat back down in my booth and drank some coffee. Connie comes back smiling, "Woah, who knew you could do that!" She says happily.

"Guess you just gotta stick up for yourself instead of having others do it for you," I learnt from Charlie. That was the first time I have ever stood up for myself becaus ebefore I was bullied constantly for the way I looked, because I was a girl playing on an all boys hockey team. And because they said I didn't fit in and I didn't live up to the so called legend my sister created. I am my dad's daughter's sister, but I am in no way gonna live up to her so called legend. I don't want to have seven kids by the time I hit twenty years old. She's probably got three already and dropped out of high school. If not, I'd drop dead if she didn't.

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