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I stood on the ice during second period. I've been out here for the entire game and I don't think I can continue. I need a break soon and I haven't taken one. I'm gonna work myself up and end up like Adam. A benchwarmer until further notice. I decided to keep going since I've made a goal and Fulton scored a goal as well. We're in semi-finals so our points won't be as high because we're still going against the strongest team out there. It's sad to hear that Russia beat Iceland.

I was standing as my usual left winger with Portman, Fulton, Charlie, and Dwayne on the ice. Julie was our goalie since she's subing for Goldberg until he takes a small break. Charlie won the face off and passed the puck to me. It didn't light me up inside like the way Adam does it. I skated off anyways and turned as I went down the ice.

I know I may be young and only fourteen and a half. But maybe I have thing for Adam and even Charlie. But I can't. They're hockey players on my team. Connie and Guy make their relationship work. I was kinda caught between them both and it was messing me up. It messed me up pretty badly considering I had let two players shove me into the boards and I the puck caught between my feet. I messed it up.

"Come on Schaffer!" Coach yells, "Get 'em out!" He yells. I look down as the puck is between my feet still and sticks are being hit at my feet and I'm struggling to get the puck free. I was up against the boards, facing the boards and everyone else was behind me. I could feel the guys behind me shoving me into the baords as they tried getting the puck from me.

"Let's go!" I hear. Bash bros! I turn and see them coming at me quickly. I turn back and make sure to keep the puck between my feet. They knocked the boys away from me and I kicked the puck out to Portman and he passed it to Dwayne. I glided down the ice on the left side. Now there was action coming and not just me in a corner. We had two points while Germany had one.

The puck was being passed back and forth, back and forth. it never stuck with the same player for more than five seconds and the puck was crossing back and forth between teams. it was killing me so I had to do something. I skated up and another player tripped me. But I managed to hit the puck away from the Germany player. Dwayne got the puck and passed it to Portman who turned and when to the Germany side to shoot. he and Fulton had no problem getting to the net.

I stood up as they scored, Portman with the assist to Charlie. I smiled. That's my team! I skated backwards to meet the rest of my team. We returned to the game right after Coach switched it up and I stood there. The announcers all were saying how Schaffer never got off the ice once. I didn't, but I able to stay and I gotta make him proud but at the same time not work myself.

I now had Guy, Connie, Russ, and Ken with me. Guy had taken face off this time and I was no longer a winger. I went back as a defensemen again to help out. We needed the bigger gusy and I may be one of the tallest and the skinniest here. But I do have muscles, you just gotta wait to see me get upset and use them or in game mode. I had knocked Guy down and most of the players are his size. Muscles, tall, and a good build.

Guy won face off and passed the puck out to Russ. Russ skated for awhile but then got knocked down and I turned the other way to help protect our net even though Julie is there. I skated backwards and kept my eye on the player. Keep him out of your space. I tried so much but it was hard when you had stuff on your mind, a bruised stomach, a hockey stick broken in half in your locker and then if we win, we get sent straight to finals against the raining champs for the last couple years now, Iceland.

Germany had the puck now and one their players were on a break away and only I was able to reach him. But I was up in the offensive zone as he about hit the blue line on our side. I sped up to his rookie of a kid and just caught up to him, he and I were shoving a little, but it was a small thing, no biggie. I heard the crowd yelling for me to stop it and it caught me off course. I was so dysfunctional today! Lack of sleep doesn't help! Having people on my mind doesn't help! Having the upcoming game if we win on my mind doesn't help!

Germany scored and now they're a point up and still one behind us at two and we're at three. I skated a little less faster than normal because I was getting tired of skating out here for almost forty minutes without a break, other than penalty calls or face offs and those didn't last long, but gave me enough time to keep going. We ahd another face off, Guy won and passed it off the to Connie as he came towards the back with me while Ken, Connie and Russ dealt with the rest. He and I were the defensemen right now and I didn't mind at all.

I still was in the game when I had gotten the puck passed out to me. I stood there and smiled under my helmet. Here I go, open base and I can easily make this shot. I haven't missed yet and if I do, then I'm going off. I place myself and look to where I want to go and where I want to shot. Glove or not? Right or left side? Up or down? Between the feet?

"Shoot!" People and my team mates yelled. I didn't hesitate anymore and shoot with all my might. I hit that puck so hard I swear my eyes flashed before my eyes. I closed them as I stood there and someone had knocked me down since they attempted to stop me during the process of shooting but we're fast enough. I fell on my stomach and opened my eyes after I heard the clang of the post. Damn it, I missed.

But then all of a sudden I heard cheering coming from the crowd. I opened my eyes to see their goalie on the ground and my team coming up to me and all cheered. The five of us cheered and Guy had hit my helmet, congragulating me. I thanked them and as they were doing face off. I quickly gathered up all my speed and got back into position.I was debating whether or not to stay or get off because if I keep going a little slower than normal and not doing so well, then I should get off the ice.

Right after the second period ended with a five to three. I skated towards the player's bench and wanted off. Miss MacKay explained to my father that I wasn't in as good of shape as he thought I was. I took a seat on the bench while Miss MacKay was behind me talking to Coach. "She did run five miles before playing tonight. She's been running and skating too much. She shouldn't play for the rest of the game," Man, I was all right with that. I can sleep for the next twenty minutes.

I want to cheer my team on amd watch, but if I'm too tired then I'm gonna fall asleep. I'll be up by the time the buzzers go off. I silently fell asleep with my helmet on and I was at the far end of the bench so i was lucky to be sitting there because I had the wall next to me that I could lean on. I was asleep leanign agains the wall and the sound of cheering made me fall asleep easier than ever.

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