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I about fell out of bed when I heard hard knocking at the door. I woke up and looked around, the other two were both just waking up in their beds. I could see them because we were all on the top bunks of the three bunk beds that were here. I rested my head back down and pulled the covers over my head as I laid there and tried falling back asleep.

Once I was like a blink away from being asleep once again, the knocking at the door returned and we all woke up groaning. I could tell Connie wasn't going to get out of bed and it was up to either Julie or I. I could tell neither her or I wanted to get out bed either. "I got it," Julie said groggily getting out of her bed and jumping down. I didn't even think it we slept in late. It's like nine or something in the morning.

I was tired but not super tired because of all the events that played out last night. We had our championship game that went on for like two hours because we went into a shootout. But after that later night, we were packing and I had to go to the locker room, when in the end, I could've went today and gone through no trouble. But my dad's gonna kill me once he figures out.

I heard Julie half mumbling as she was talking to someone. I closed my eyes trying to get a couple minutes more of dyer sleep. I wasn't that tired, but also didn't feel like getting out of my bed. "Hey guys, we gotta get up, let's go," Julie says shaking my bed and I jolt awake and then she shakes Connie's bed.

"What?" She asks waking up and rubbing her eyes. I sat up in my bed, leaning against the headboard or wall or what ever the hell was there as my blankets were up to my head and I sat there listening.

Julie was grabbing her clothes for the day as she spoke to the two of us. "Well it's one in the afternoon and Coach had Miss MacKay come wake us up for some meeting he called for," We nod as she heads towards the washroom and shuts the door.

I yawned and jumped down from my bed. Connie did the same and I started grabbing random clothes for the day. I lifted my shirt and observed that painfully looking bruise, though it didn't hurt that bad as you'd think it would. It actually only hurt if I were to press around the bruised area or if I leaned against something. "I didn't want to wake up," Connie says.

"Neither did I, but we have to," I reply. Once Julie finished, I went and got changed quickly then Connie did. I wore jeans with a black tank top and then my fleece flannel shirt tied at my waist. My hockey bag was done and packed, along with four hockey sticks next to it. I had taped them all together and very well because I needed to keep them all together and they wouldn't fit in my bag, only the broken one did which I have no clue why I am bringing a broken stick with me, but what ever.

We were all ready, our bags all by our door so when we come back later we can just grab them and throw them outside the door and kick them downstairs. Yeah, I'm the laziest butt you'll ever meet. Pretty good, am I right? We walked downstairs together talking quietly amongst ourselves. we didn't know where we were going, so we had followed Julie since she got told where to go. Julie wore jeans and a hoodie she had worn a couple times while being here which was a hoodie from her old hockey team. While Connie wore jeans as well, along with the green ducks jersey over top of her tee-shirt that was underneath.

We all had our hair down, Julie's in it's natural straightness with some wave. Connie with her long very little wavy to straight hair. And then myself with it's natural messiness. I fixed my hair this morning so I didn't look like a mess. It wasn't that bad, it was curly because of when I had then in the two dutch braids last night and when I took them out, it made my hair curly.

We stopped in some lounge that was in the dorm building. Everyone was there, whether they were standing up, sitting on the couch or tops of them, sitting on floor, talking or laughing, they were all here. Coach, Miss MacKay and Jan weren't here yet, so I guess were not as late as we thought we were.

We all went to an empty corner and continued talking to one another. I actually didn't feel too confident with talking with the boys from last night. They'd just bring up the events or pick on me. I didn't need that and nor did I want most of this happen. I wasn't sure where Adam and I stood or where Charlie and I stood. I actually did see Charlie this morning bright, happy, and awake instead of passed out on the floor. I didn't know what caused him to do that, but I'm sure they figured it out.

"I can't wait to see my family once again, they'd be so proud of me," Julie says happily. Mine other half wouldn't care of my successfulness compared to them.

I was kinda quiet today with not much on my mind other than my future. I want to play hockey for the rest of my life, but will it be worth it? If my father doesn't let me go and take up one of these opportunities, I can't widen my range of skill like those schools want me for. I was no different than anyone else on my team, I only had a little more experience because of it. " Mine too, although, I'm not sure what I'll be doing after today. Whether I continue hockey or not," Connie says.

"What about you, Ky," Julie had hit my arm lighting getting my attention.

I thought about it. "I don't know yet. I might take up one of the scholarships I received," I told them. They nodded and soon Coach and the other two came walking in behind him cheering and then we all joined in as well.

"Fellow Ducks, old and new, we reunite one last time before parting ways," My father says standing at the front of the room as everyone else stood nicely and quietly to listen to his kind words of wisdom. "I wanted to say that it was a pleasure for me to Coach Team USA this year at the Games. With my amazing team we have gathered, and Miss MacKay and Jan, we succeeded together once again,"

We all yelled, hollered, and cheered as we hung to one another laughing and cheering. "We are the Ducks, the Mighty Ducks! Here to stay and where ever you go in the future, remember, take pride in what you do. Remember who you were here, where you stood and your place was, remember the Ducks as your team and don't forget to have fun. It's about having fun, not whining,"

I couldn't agree more. I was so on his side about all this. Having fun and no whining. Whining gets you no where while having fun does, but not too much fun. "And for now, we'll all enjoy a meal together one last time and then take photos,"

I was all right with the hole meal thing together. And photos, well, I hope they don't do those small categories. For example, the hotshots, the scorers, the goalies, the defensemen, the wingers, the Coach and his co-coaches, and do those photos of the small groups. I was completely fine with a group photo, in gear or not.

I just didn't want anything embarrassing to happen because that has happened enough for me and I am not saying the neither of those two boys embarrassed me. It was me who embarrassed myself, and I do regret what I did but at the same time I have to look at the bright side of things.

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