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I was awake now and have been for past ten minutes. I was in some pain, but not much and I have no idea how long I was out. I don't even know what made me go out. But what ever it was, it must've been bad. Why did bad things had to happen to me? My knee? Now this! Why? I just wish it could be someone other than myself.

I was laying on the flat doctor table that was in the room in our locker room. The door was slightly open as I heard people talking quiet out there. I bet it was my team, or the press wondering about me or someone else. I bet we won our game, we were winning the entire time anywyas. So I'm sure we won. As I was laying there, I sat up a little so I could see my body. I had no gear on, just sweat pants that were over top of my tighter black pants that I always wore under my gear, except one pant leg was up as I saw a scared up ugly knee that happened to make me feel uglier than I was. Then my loose long sleeve shirt was pulled up to my chest so my side could be observed.

I saw nothing on my knee other than the scares, some purpleness and no more brace. My side had a white stretchy band that held everything together and protected it. I laid there as I sighed and covered my eyes with my left arm. I didn't want to be in this mess, let alone be in this room. It reminded me too much of other stuff.

Soon, the quiet chattering came to a minimum when the door to my room opened. I only knew that because I heard the door squeak open and then close. It was dead silent now and I heard someone, a familiar voice, talk to the doctor who's been trying to talk to me for the past ten- fifteen minutes now but I didn't say a word. "Ky, can you talk, please?" I heard my dad ask.

I left my hand there as I coughed for them. My dad knew I was fooling around now. And I knew it as well. "Kylie, do as your told,"

"What happened? We won, right?" It was silent now. Great! I'm told to talk and they go quiet. My father looks at the doctor for answers now.

"Well? How is she?" He asks kinda upset. I didn't know why and I had a feeling that my team didn't win? Was it my fault?

The doctor was pressing my side as I bit the inside of the cheek, resisting the urge to cry out. "Okay, ow, that hurts. Now don't touch me," I said as I tried sitting up, but they'd push me back down again. I was never really a listener when it came to following orders given to me by doctors. I always got mad and just wanted to leave. I tried getting up again and once they tried so many times to keep me down, my father told them it was useless to keep trying. I get my way when I'm like this and my father knows damn well what happens when I don't get what I want. I yell and holler until i get what I want. I know, childish. But it works!

"She's got minor injuries. And her head, well she only seemed to forget what happened in the last hour and a half. But she'll be fine,"

"Her knee and side?" Coach asked.

The doctor sighed, "Hard to tell with her knee because it was brutally messed up beforehand. but I believe she'll be up and skating within a day. Just take an easy, all right, kid?"

The doctor had left now and I laid there as my dad spoke to me. The chattering was really loud now out there in the locker room. "Can I leave now?"

"Kylie, look, I know you hate being in situations like this, but you gotta take an easy. Am I clear?" My dad asks me.

I take my arm off my face and he smiles, " Hey dad," I call."Catch!" I throw him a ball I found that was in the corner next to me. I sit up carefully and slowly as he helps me up and threw the ball on the floor. I wasn't in the mood to wear shoes and so my dad had given me sandles. I looked retarted wearing socks and sandles, but oh well. I had left my pant leg and shirt how it was because I was tired and dying to leave.

Once we stepped out of the room and I was limping on my own since I insisted on doing this myself. Everyone looked at me and I stared at each individual, some looked away eventually and I had turned and limped slowly towards the door. I had opened the door and it was a closet. "What kinda door is this, Dad?" At that time I didn't know what I was saying and had let out the biggest secret I knew.

"What kind of drug did you sniff, Schaffer?" SOmeone laughed and walked up to me. I looked him up and down, Dean Portman.

"None, who's asking?" I asked him as I continued and went to the next door which was the correct one.

"Well you look like shit-" Someone slapped him and my dad was gone talking to someone else at the moment so I was alone with all these boys and two girls. Connie had slapped him as she told him off, along with Guy her boyfriend. I was saying what ever now, stupid pain killers!

"Kylie, pull your shirt down some,"Julie tells me. I pull it down for her and walk out of the room and down the hall. I heard my dad yell my name and told me stop, but I didn't. I heard the door open again and slam shut. Charlie came running down after me and walked next to me.

"Um, Kylie, you know you told everyone that Bombay was practically your dad?" I nod vigorously not really listening to what he said. I kept on walking upstairs because I was dead tired and ready to fall asleep anywhere right now. I'd make Charlie carry me up if I wanted to, but I am not that mean, no am I.

Once in my room I plopped down on my bed, groaning from pain, but then I was fine and closed my eyes as I fell asleep quickly.

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