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I was dead tired, we had practice this morning again and I didn't feel like getting out of bed. I'm sure all three of us were dead tired because we weren't even at practice this morning. We knew we had practice, but didn't bother to show up. I've never missed one in my life and I feel bad for missing it, but I need like ten more minutes of sleep and then hopefully I'll be down at the rink.

We stayed up most of the night talking about different things. Mostly boys, because Connie brought it up and wouldn't drop the subject. They figured out that I got feelings for no one, but see myself closer with some of the boys than others. Julie admitted to not liking anyone here and that there was no point because she was going back to Maine after this anyways to return home.

I didn't know what to do after all this. Go back home with my father or get him to let me take up one of these scholarships. I know he hasn't told me and Charlie did, but I've been doing great here, even with that one injury that didn't permanently damage me. I know scouts have scouted me out for their school next year or just for a very good hockey team. I'd be happy to go play and maybe I'll get a good school somewhere. I never bothered to take up on a school that I loved and would want to go to because I've seen so many good ones and I can't choose, and if I had the opportunity to go to one of them, I'd take it up within minutes.

I kinda fell back asleep, not wanting to be late for practice, but did fall asleep from how tired I was.

Charlie's POV

I saw Coach walking out onto the ice looking kinda confused. He attempted to count everyone that was constantly moving on the ice and warming up. I was skating around the ice with Adam and he seemed kinda upset with me for some reason. I wasn't sure if it was his arm because he still can't play. And I didn't do a thing to him, unless there's an issue between Kylie and him which involves me. I am not trying to get involved with the two of them, but Coach wants me to look out for her and it is hard. Right now I can't do that well with everyone on my case, watching my every move and or her not even being around us.

We turned the corner and skated behind the net. We weren't going our fastest because we needed to consume our energy for later on during the practice. I heard we were doing another scrimmage. We have a game later on tonight around six and then if we win that we go to finals against Iceland. I have a pretty good feeling knowing Coach, Jan and I have been watching them and seeing how they play, their weaknesses and what we need to improve so we can up our game.

"Adam, are you all right?" I asked him, he shrugs his shoulders. "You know we're buddies, right? You can tell me what's on your mind,"

He sighs, I had looked over at Coach to see him standing there, hands on his hips, thinking real hard. You could tell he knew there was something wrong, missing, or just didn't seem to work out. "You know last night when the girls called and it was suppose to be a prank?" I nod listening, "Is it true Bombay's her dad? I mean, I heard her mention before when she was on drugs for injuries, but I didn't believe it,"

It was indeed true and I've known it for awhile longer than all the others. But to me, she didn't seem any different if she was Coach's daughter or a powerful girl who played on a mostly boys team. I had a feeling she was related to him in a way, she had his eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful, but she also a little bit of darker hair than he did. He had a light brown while she was a brown mixed with a little dark tone. Personally, I liked it very much, but would never admit that to her. She's Adam's for Pete's sake and if I were to try, I'd be breaking the bro code and would look like a fool to these guys or even worse, they'd see me differently.

"I don't know," I lied. Coach told me not to tell anyone, no matter what and I'm keeping my word. Plus if Kylie knows, she could probably beat any of us and or me up. "I guess we'd have to ask her or Coach,"

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