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Later that night after our game, I was in the locker room still and was taking a shower after eveyone had left. I was in my own stall and was thankful that they had two stalls so girls could shower and then out in the open was the wide area for guys to shower. I came out of the stall with my hair wet in a towel, my sports bra on and my my black shorts on and no, they're not short.

I walked out into the main area so I could grab my shirt that was on my bag by my locker and as I was drying my hair, I ran into something and fell on my butt. It was late at night and I didn't know what it was the was in the middle of the room, but it must've been a tall bench... Or maybe a person! I looked up to see Charlie there. Man, this isn't the first time today he's seen my stomach.

He turns around and quickly shuts his eyes. "Sorry, Kylie, I didn't know you were still here," He says, his eyes still closed and he puts his arm out. I take his hand and haul myself up. I thanked him for the hand up and he stood there right where he was as I walked over to get my shirt.

"Thanks... And it's fine, I'm good," I tell him, as my thank you apology.

"Man, I thought you meant 'I'm good' as in you had your shirt on," He says. I quickly pull my shirt on as I laugh at him. He opened his eyes once again and walks over to me, taking a seat at my bench when his is perfectly free next to him. "So? When'd you go bad girl and get a tattoo?" He asks.

I turn around and walk over to the mirrors so I could brush my hair. I didn't mean for him to come in here and see me how I was. But I wasn't nude and to me it's fine wearing that. It's like a bathing suit, a bikini, except mine was more covered up. I had no butt hanging out the back and no oversized boobs sticking out the front. I did feel bad, but he's the one who came here at night without saying a word.

I totally forgot that I had that tattoo on my side and what ever he does. He can't tell anyone. Bad enough I'm in this mess and he knows more than my father does. But he can't tell my dad, never will he open his mouth about tonight, the tattoo or even seeing me like this. Bad enough I embarrass myself enough. I just am able to hide it better. "Still didn't answer, Kylie," He stands up and walks over to where I was. He leans against the wall behind me as I see him in the mirror.

I finish my hair and turn around, leaning against the counter with my arms crossed and brush in hand. "Look, what ever you do, don't tell anyone," I simply told him. As I was about to leave, he runs up in front of me. Stopping me by setting his hands on my shoulders. I look down at his hands on my shoulders, this was awkward and the closest I've ever been next to him.

He takes his hands off my shoulders and looks at me. "When'd you get that? Today? Along with that bruise?" He asks kinda freaking out. I push him aside a little and continue. I have to admit that he did make butterflies appear when he touched my shoulder even if it was awkward and not a comfortable state.

"Why are you so protective? Why does it matter if I have a bruise? A tattoo? Or anything? It's my life, not yours and it's bad enough all ready," I tell him and grab my bag and my hoodie. I pull it on and head out of the locker room, leaving my other crap here until our next game or practice.

"Kylie!" He calls out after me. I ignored him and continue. It made me not want to talk to him right now. I didn't like how he always needed to know about my life. He's such a sweet kid, but it seems odd. He never was like that before but he is captain and always must be up to date with his players, just my dad and our Coach. "Please, stop," He grabs my hand and spins me around towards him.

"Charlie, look, I'm with you being my friend and all. But you got to stop worrying about me. I have my dad here and though you're sweet and charming, you should worry about me less. You barely know who I am and compared to Adam-"

"Woah, woah, when'd Adam come into the picture," I look at him and smile sheepishly.

"You're jealous of Adam," I smile. He looks at the ground.

"Am not,"

"Admit that you are. I know you're jealous of him because if you weren't you wouldn't of said anything," I went on and on.

"Am not, Kylie," He says. He was taller than I was, but he right now was not admitting it. I was just upset with him and now this has made my day. I know he's onto me in some way, but this is better. I don't know why, but it just is.

"Are too," I start walking. I know I didn't get to finish what I was saying beforehand. But he just made my entire day with adding Adam into this and saying he isn't jealous. I don't know anything about the dating world, but I know that he wouldn't of brought up Adam if he weren't jealous of him. Trust me, I was in the same mess when I accidentally opened my big mouth back in Wadena, MN with my old hockey team. It was the news of the week there. "You're so jealous of Adam. Is it because he's... " I trailed off and continued talking and talking.

He had stopped me when he pulled out a move I didn't think he'd do. He dove in and kissed me. I had shut up after that thinking he'd never do that ever and to Coach's kid. I stood there as he backed up. That was... unexplainable. I had no words to describe how I felt.

"Am not," He said, "And by the way, don't underestimate me,"

I looked down at the ground as he walked down the hall to go upstairs. "Wait!" I call as I run after him. "You don't tell anyone about the tattoo and I don't tell anyone you kissed me, deal?" I asked.

He thinks for a minute before telling me his answer. "All right, but I gotta admit that I was probably the most amazing kiss yet,"

"You don't know that," I tell him.

"Exactly, I barely know the Coach's daughter on my team," He finished and left. I was there alone now and then took the stairs and he was gone all ready. I entered my room and stood at the door as I sighed and shook my head. I went to bed right after that.

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