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Coach had put everyone together in a huge circle because no one was getting along. It smelt, we were sweaty and I didn't want to be here, but once everyone stopped fighting and we got the hang of this thing, we did other stuff. So, Coach decided to do a scimmage between the newbies and the oldies. The ducks were nine and the newbies were five. So, out of all people Coach put me with the newbies. I actually was all right with that because I get to see how they play and see if I can do better than the Ducks. And my knee, well, it's doing good for now. I was able to skate fine earlier and it may give out. But the doctor told me I was very capapble of running and skating now. I just need to take it a little more easier.

Julie was our goalie while Luis, Ken, Dwayne, Dean, and I were on the ice. For the Ducks, well, they all faught over who got to play and who didn't. So Coach randomly took half the team, stuck them on the ice and the other ones sat out. So for the Ducks there was Goldberg, Charlie, Averman, Adam, Fulton, and Jesse. Connie and Guy sat out for now together and then would swtich out with the Ducks. We had to do a face off and I don't think any of the others really did them, so I offered to do them. But before we played Julie decided to make a plan, so we all got together to talk about it.

"Um, Kylie, when or if you get the puck, pass it out to Ken. Dean, you be the enforcer and stay on Fulton or some of the small guys. Dwayne, you'll be another enforcer as well.  Luis, Ken, you two help Kylie with the puck and if you need to, pass out to these two,"

Everyone kinda agreed with Julie on this, except Portman becuase he apparently didn't need to be bossed around by a 'lousy girl' as he says. I have to admit that he isn't the nicest, but we need him and he's apart of this team now. We all gotta accept each other and work together or else we'll all be going down.

I skated up to face off and got into position, waiting for either Averman, Charlie, Jesse, or Adam to do the face off because those guys all do face offs. Adam is a little less rare start as a winger, but he, Charlie and Jesse are usually the three who do the face offs for the Ducks my dad said. he said Averman did it from time to time when the other three were tired. Finally, Charlie had came up to face off while Averman and Jesse were on either side as the wingers and then Adam and Fulton were the defensemen and or enforcers. I laughed, I doubt Adam has ever done that.

Coach dropped the puck on the red dot and I had shoved Charlie forward so Ken from behind me could grab the puck. It's a little somethin' somethin' I learnt while being on my other hockey team in Wadena, MN. You can shove if you want. So I do. I could've either quickly gotten the puck and passed it between my feet or to either side. but the sides were ebing blocked and watched, so, why not shove?

Charlie was on the ground and I skated around him quickly as he stood up and looked at Coach. Girls can play, haven't ya heard? I was in such a happy mood today, I felt great! Ken has twirled once and passed the puck over to Luis in the process. I sped up with Luis while Portman had checked Fulton into the boards, shoved Adam to the ground and was chasing after a scared Averman. Dwayne was helping out and Julie stood on guard, keeping her eye out.

Luis passed the puck over to me as Charlie was gonna intercept. I took the puck, stopped and did a slap shot, getting the puck in the net just as Luis ran into the boards and fell to the ground. After my shot, Dwayne and I hauled Luis off the ground asking him if he was all right. He was, he said we didn't need to ask every time because that would be a lot.

The Ducks were coming with the puck and they were in a bunch. Luis was over in the offensive zone waiting behind the others. It's just a scrimmage, so we'll do what we want to do. Ken got the puck from Adam and Dean pushed Adam to the ground hard and then went after the others so the rest of us had a clear shot. He passed the puck to me and I went down the ice quickly, but Fulton was there. So I hit the puck towards the boards, it bounced off and I went to the ground as Fulton went after Dean next.

I went on one knee and watched as Luis went to shot, he just missed and ran into Goldberg, sending them both to the ground and the net fell as well. So I stood out as one of the newbies, I was wearing my Wadena hockey club. It was purple, navy blue, black and white. I went to stand up when Adam skated over to help me up. I told him nicely no thanks and that I could do it. It was nice of him, but would he really do that in a game and ask a random kid if they wanted help? No, you just don't do that. Maybe at the end of the game when your team has won, but not now.

"Thanks, but no thanks, Adam," He nods and skates away towards the players' bench to let Guy have a turn. Charlie got off the ice holding his side and then Connie got on. Was my team playing too hard for the Ducks? I guess we should tone it down a little and maybe I should get out of game mode and into reality that I am playing against my teamates, not some tough team from a different country.

I joined my team as there was a small time out between the two periods, per say. I stood leaning against the net, even though it wasn't that stable in the first place. We were all talking together and laughing. "Man, they're wimps!" Dean said.

"We're killing it out there," It was true, the Ducks looked tired and exhausted. Half of them were chugging down water while we talked. We were doing a little more work, but they were the ones being pushed the ground, not really us. I was all right with being pushed to the ground, but Coach Bombay was talking to the Ducks quickly before blowing his whistle.

We started back at face off and this time Jesse was there. Great, I can't do the shove because they've seen it. So, I'll just have to do something normal instead. The puck dropped again and I shoved him ever so slightly and kicked the puck to my right to Dwayne. He skated and got the puck taken by Connie. I  went after Connie so if she got hurt, it wouldn't be too bad. I shoved her a little, not knocking her over and I had Guy come up from behind trying to help out as well. Then Luis came, crashed into us and four of us went to the ground, one on top of the other.

Ken and Dwayne now chased the puck as Dean get fighting with Fulton. Soon someone had iced the puck, sending it in the air and across the rink. it bounced off a couple things and we all yelled "Duck!", he kept talking to some woman when I was standing up. I helped some of the others off the ground and before we knew it, the puck had hit Mr. Tibbles in the head.

We all skated over and joined Coach at the players' bench where Mr. Tibbles laid on the ground. Someone had ran to get him a cold or hot cloth and what not. We all stood on stand by, making sure he was all right. Coach and the lady exchanged glances and so nothing funny happened, I had shoved Charlie, who was next to me, and he fell on to Jesse and then Jesse fell towards Coach and he almost fell, but his glance was off the lady. I didn't want anything funny happening here. I can't let my father chase another girl and possibly loose her. Charlie's mom ditched him, which makes me want to despise Charlie even more.

They were now calling his name and soon he woke up, asking for a cheeseburger, coke, and fries for take out. We all laughed, that was really weird. He stood up and the rest of us did as well. I stood on the ice, next to the boards with Charloe and Jesse while on the other side was Dean, Luis, and Goldberg. The rest were sitting on the bench or standing inside the players' bench.

"Oh, sorry he didn't get to introdue me earlier. I'm Michele MacKay, the tutor," Everyone groaned and was disappointed.

"I don't do school," Portman piped up.

"Yeah, could it optional?" Everyone agreed with Goldberg on that, even I did. My dad laughs at all of us and shakes his head as he this wasn't his team and he didn't know us.

"Why, I believe that could be possible..."


"Goldberg," She smiled, "however, you do not attend, you're inallegable to play," We all booed and then agreed that we'd all be going to school while we're here. I was smart enough, in Math and History, I was already doing grade nine for that.  I wasn't good enough though to do all my courses for grade nine, so I'm doing half courses, I guess you could say.

Practice ended with everyone doing an exercise where Dwayne would rope some cattle. And when he caught you, you'd leave the ice and go to thw change rooms to change. Averman was dead first, then Charlie and so on. I was one of the last ones with Luis and Guy. After practice, my dad left with Mr. Tibbles to speak with him for a little while so the rest of us got to do what ever for the day. Tomorrow we have school and then a game against Trinidad around one in the afternoon.

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