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I sat outisde with everyone else from my team. We all sat anywhere in a bunch as Miss MacKay spoke to us about pride and how USA was a teenager just like us. I understood fine and didn't pay attention much, I was smart enough in history and was all ready learning about the french revolution, world war one and two.

I ended up sitting on the grass because I prefered that over sitting on a rock or leaning against it. And I didn't feel up to sitting at the picnic table. Some of the guys were annoying me because they were throwing weird answer that didn't even have to do with what was asked. So I ignored them a little as I pulled grass or weeds out of the ground and played with that.

I didn't read that letter that someone gave to me. I wondered what it was about, but who ever wrote it had some nice fancy cursive writing. Though it was hard to read because I don't read cursive, I was able to see a couple letters on the front which ended up spelling my name. It had said Miss Kylie Courtney Bombay. Not my other maiden name, but my father's. But I have tor emember that I only go by Schaffer for hockey, not for everything else. Doctor, dentist, other people all know me as a Bombay. And I'm gonna live up to that legend.

I wasn't sure what the letter could be for. I mean it had suck nice fancy words but how Guy got it was beyond me. I didn't know why I had it or if my father knew because it was sent in my name. But there was no adress on the card, just my name which kinda meant it was either hand written or some personally delivered this letter.

I was cut short when Miss MacKay had called my name. I looked up at her from playing with the grass. I'm sure there's a bald patch where I am sitting because I've been playing with the grass for a little while now. "Can you tell me how you and America are related as a teenager?"

Are you kidding me? You want me to tell you what I think about this? Well, I'd certainly switch up the subject within seconds. But to make it more interesting for me, I'm going to incorporate my idea into it. " I know that both America and I have learned about the devastating tragedies during it's time young. We've learnt about Napoleon and the french revolution. The first and second world wars, in which we participated in a little. So I belive that related be facts and beliefs. I've learnt about America, oh indeed I did, Miss,"

She looks at me shocked. She had no words after that and I went back to playing with the grass as the others were dead silent as well. I know you don't really get to the french revolution and world wars until about nine-eleventh grade. But I'm studying ahead so I know my stuff. I didn't like the whole politics thing, did you know that you gotta learn that? I mean I did and do.

She went to someone as she was still and probably will be forever speechless. She was a teacher, that's it. I'm here for hockey. It's been apart of me my entire life but if I am forced to do school in order to play hockey, then so be it. I'll do it but I won't guarantee you that I'll listen 24/7 to what you're teaching. I mostly want hockey, I want to be scouted out and go to some good school to learn and play. Whether I play for a full on girls team, boys team, mixed team, so be it. I wanna make it big. Go to the NHL, see Wayne Gretzky or any of the big time pros play. I'd die if I got to see any of them.

My father is a big hockey fan, so am I. While my other half of the family is more gymnastics, figure skating, gossip girl who wears too much make up and gets anyone or anything they want. Yuck, and half the time you don't even know there's another half to my dad and I. They're so uptight, sassy, rich, think they're better than everyone else and then there's my dad and I who are hockey fans and just do it.

I hate my sister. And though I've never really talked about her before, I guess some of you deserve to know who she is. She was born a monster, and even though she is older than I am, I still hate her. I always will think she was born a monster more than an actual girl. She may be pretty, cute and all. But she's a terrible back staber. When she was around twelve, thirteen, and begining fourteen years old, she wore make up, the short dressed, hung out with the cool kids and everything. But then when she was fifteen, she had kinda started hanging out with bad kids and she got into trouble herself. She'd be out late at parties that dad never wanted her to be at but mom didn't care. She was a teenage bride and mom herself. I guess it wouldn't matter to her if her oldest daughter fell pregnant one night.

She wouldn't care, she'd be happy maybe. While my father is so strict with me because my older sister was no way in hell gonna influence me. She has a tattoo,but then again I'm not better. I've got one too, and that was because I wanted to be popular back in Wadena, so I did what those uptight girls told me to do. They said that in order to be with them, I had to have a tattoo. but turns out, none of them had a tattoo and i am happy that it was only a small heart with two hockey sticks crossing it. Almost like a skull ad bones, escept it's a heart and hockey sticks.

But my sister now a days looks exactly like me. Actually, I shoudl be saying that I look like her since she was born first. But anyways, we're complete opposites. She wears the tight fancy short clothes while I am fully clothed. She is just.... well, I don't know who anymore and ever since she and my mother left. I've always hated them both more ebcause I don't have a mother figure like my sister doesn't have a father figure.

I was out of my trance once again when Miss MacKay was calling my name over and over again and then someone threw something at me, which turned out to be a small rock. I look up at her once again. "Do you have difficulties with concentration?" She asked me, "Because you're always looking at the ground and when I call your name once you don't reply,"

I just sit there looking at her still. I turn and see that no one else was here. Just her and I. She was kneeled down at my level, sitting on the grass on her knees  so her nice clothing didn't touch the ground. "I believe that what you're teaching isn't necessary considering I'm in advanced classes,"

She nods, "Oh, I didn't know. But next time, please do try to pay attention because if not everyone does than I can't guarantee a lesson learnt," I nod as she stands up and then I stand up right after her.

"I'll do my best, no guarantees. And why was everyone half asleep this class?" I ask her.

"Last night we lost our game pretty good so Coach Bombay made everyone stay for two more hours right after the game to do laps, suicides and work hard. They're tired and you, well, you were with the doctor," I nod as I thank her.

She tells me to come and meet her later for lunch since the others should all be asleep. She ahd dismissed the class early so it's around ten in the morning. They must've all left to get some sleep and I'm sure they need it. But making them do laps and everything isn't right. And I know that because with the Hawks and my old team back in Wadena, we did that. Everytime we lost a game or won by one point my coach always made us stay and extra hour and a half to work.

We all got pushed to our limits, but we were the best of the best of all Bantam teams in the city. So we had to work and we only lost from outside games against the districts we never play. We usually play about ten different teams whom are from our general area, but we're tied witht hree other teams for number one. But I know how my team feels and I don't believe it is right. i am where I am today as a strong player because of it. But I also sometimes don't feel like getting up int he morning because you never know if something will happen or if you'll loose and end up doing an hour to two hours practices after your hour and a half game or so. It all depends on the game.

I leave where everyone was and headed back to the dorm building where most of the others should be. I want to go to the small pool that they have here, but I'd prefer the hot tub. And at the same time, I don't feel like going alone so maybe I could see if my dad needs help in the office or if I could speak with him about the others and hockey. I'm sure they're tired and that does explain why the others came downstairs looking dead. One with no shirt, which was Adam, and then all of them with messy hair.

I decided that I should talk to him for a little while about their practices or something. But before I did that, I was stopped in the hallway.

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