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We're Team USA from all across America. The winners of the Junior Goodwill Games.

Was all I could think about that night as I was in our room packing since we were going to be leaving tomorrow. I had then realised that I didn't grab all my stuff from the locker room, so Connie came with me downstairs to the locker room. We talked and laughed about how much fun we had winning this thing. "Man, I'm just so happy. Look at how far we've come!" She smiles.

"I know, but sad to see we'll all be leaving back to our homes. We'll be leaving the other five and just be the Ducks," She punches my shoulder as we enter the locker room. It seemed kinda odd, it was mess in here and when we left after our game earlier it was spotless because Coach made everyone clean it up.

"Come on, that hurt!" I whined. She laugh still as I laugh with, both of us hanging on to each other we laugh. Wow. Incredible this place has been, indeed it was.

"No, it didn't," I walk over to my spot and there was a small mess from what looked like Charlie ahd Jesse's stuff. And then further down by Connie where Guy's locker was and then again on the other side of the room where Adam's stuff was. "Man, it's such a mess in here,"

" I don't mind. I was in a locker room for..." I count how many years that I've been an only girl in a lcoker room filled with boys. " eight years or so with Adam and all boys and then again for about two and a half years with more boys," I tell her.

She laughs, "Must've been fun," She says sarcastically.

"Actually, back in Wadena when I played with Wadena Blue Ropers, we always had a clean hockey room and never played like the way we did tonight. We played two way hockey, offense and defense. I even got a book with all my team mates and they signed it, too,"

She turns and looks at me as she was putting her folded jerseys in her bag while I was on the ground, sitting on my knees, and putting my gear nicely away. "No way, that's so cool and such a cool idea,"

I smile and then got scared to death when he heard random yelling and screaming from behind us. Connie and I both had ran to each other and fell intot he lockers since we lost our blance from the huge mess. We groaned as we were breahting a little faster than normal. Man, who's in here? I open my eyes to see the four boys I had named earlier. They came out from rounding the corner laughing. "I'm sorry Connie, and Kylie," Guy says, trying to contain his laughter as he and the boys were all lenaing against one another laughing their hearts out. We gotta get 'em back.

Guy walks over to us and hauls Connie up and then I take his hand and he hauls me up. I fell on something sharp, either a skate or the cage of a helmet. I wasn't sure, bit there was no blood, just a small pain. I stood next to Connie with my arms crossed. She was a little mad until Guy took her hand and twirled her aorund and then stood behind her, bringing his arms around her and setting his head on her shoulder. She looks down and kissed him. I smiled, anything can happenw hen you're a crazy teenager.

I walked over to the other three goons and stood against the wall. "Hey Kyles, Charlie's gotta admit something to you,"

I turn and face him and wait for what he needed to tell me. Jesse was laughing and trying not to laugh. Guy and Connie were standing behind us now, holding hands and looking at us. I heard connie whisper not so well to Guy, "I bet he'll ask her out," Guy shook his head not thinking that he would do such a thing.

"I-I told them about you,"

"You didn't!?" I was about to slap him when Adam had stopped me by taking my wrist and stopping me there.

"He didn't say a word about the tattoo," I scoff and look at Connie.

"You?" I question, she nodded. She must've seen it one night when I changing from a tee-shirt to a sleeping shirt. "Fine, your stupid bro code got ruined. Charlie kissed me, now we're even, Charlie,"

From the corner of my eye I saw his face go bright red as he tried hiding it. Adam was gonna go after him now and Jesse and I held him back. "Adam, stop, it didn't mean anything, I swear," I tell him. He doesn't listen and continues. I didn't know if this was normal for bros and boys to do.

"Look at him, he's blushing a bright red," He says. Soon both Connie and I were hauling him away from Charlie as Guy and Jesse were pulling Charlie away from the wall. We had gotten them apart and I stood between both boys. Adam was clearly upset with Charlie. Connie was on the other side holding him back and I was between them.

"Adam, there's no need to be upset, unless, you're just as jealous as he was of you," I say.

"Am not, I just didn't think he'd do it and behind my back," He replies. It reminded me of the lie Adam told me about him and my evil you know who!

everyone was quiet now and we had let both boys go. They stood away from each other as Jesse, Guy, Connie, and myself stood in front of them by the other lockers. "Look, I don't feel that way towards Charlie,"

"Than kiss Adam if you have no feelings for Charlie," Jesse pipes up while the only two dating here kept quiet the entire time. I shook my head. He can;t put me in the spot like this.

"I'm not allowed,"

"Screw your dad's rules. See these two?" He asks me and points to the two next to him. "Do it, if not we'll tease you about you liking Captain Duckie over here," I sigh and walked over to Adam. He turned since he was talller and I was near the wall now.

"You don't gotta do this to prove a point, " He tells me quietly, stroking the side of my face and taking the hair out of my face. I look down, kinda upset with what I had gotten mself into. What did I do? I'm so sorry dad, I didn't mean for any of this to happen this way or any of it. I'm sorry, don't be mad. I kinda prayed for my future here.

I closed my eyes and went into the kiss Adam. He had put his hand on my cheek as we kissed. It was longer than Charlie's, but I still had very mixed emotions here.

Charlie's POV

They kissed in front of me and I felt myself fading quickly. But not before Julie had came in here as the other two just pressed their lips against each others. I watched painfully as Jesse made her do that. I didn't feel bad when she said she didn't have feelings for me, I udnerstood fully and when both her and I were put on the spot, it didn't help none.

My eyes were closed as I heard Julie gasped and then I just blacked out for some reason. I couldn't help it at all. Everything felt as if it came crashing down. I could hear them, but couldn't see them or feel them. I didn't know what was going on, but what ever it was, I hope I jad just blacked out for passed out for a couple minutes.

Kylie's POV

Adam and I quickly pulled apart after like ten seconds and we turned looking at the others. Charlie was on the ground as Jesse stood there with his jaw dropped, along with Connie, Guy stood there amazed but shocked. I didn't know what had happened and why it did. But it looked liek Charlie had passed out.

I got on the ground next to him along with the other two girls and we fanned him as we tried getting him to wake up, but it wouldn't work and he was out for good. I closed my eyes for a quick second and then opened them.

We had Adam and Guy pick up Charlie and bring him to his room. Once they were gone Jesse laughed at me and I about punched him for what he did, but didn't because we didn't need more drama than needed. We rgabbed all our stuff and the boys' heavy gear as well and walked upstairs.

Once upstairs, Jesse had let us in the roo first as we dropped all their smelly wet gear quietly on the ground. jesse had slammed the door shut scaring us all, except for Charlie. We all jumped and then the three of us had said goodbye, Connie giving a goodbye kiss to Guy and then we all left.

Julie looked at me with wide eyes, "'Getting my bags' hun?" She asks amazed as well.

I shook my head and we entered our room. We'll finish in the morning once we take a late flight at around eleven at night tomorrow. I hope no else is on that plane or that there is very few so I can sprawl across one seat and sleep peacefully.I went to sleep that night and didn't get up until noond when we heard knocking on the door.

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