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I sat on my chair in the locker room, yawning from the lack of sleep I had. I don't know how the other two slept with all the noise coming from downstairs. There was some kids in the room below us and they were the loudest in this entire building. I swear they were louder than my teams.

I was taking my hoodie off when the rest of my team started walking into the room. Connie and Julie were here already with me and they were getting dressed now. It got louder than before and I was able to fall asleep. And I could fall asleep if I wanted to, but tried staying awake the entire time. I was putting my hockey socks on next when I felt an arm or hand touch me. "Kylie, why are you putting your hockey socks on when you don't even have shin pads on?"

I shrugged my shoulders and rubbed my eyes, " I don't know, I'm gonna let them crush me on the ice," I said kinda talking gibberish because of the lack of sleep. Once I'm on the ice, I'm sure I'll be way better than I am right now.

"Are you all right, Kylie? You seem kinda off today?" I nod vigorously. I started taking my hockey socks off and then putting my shin pads on and then pulled the socks on over top.

I was really slow at putting my gear, but eventually I finished and met the others out at the bench. Charlie had waited for me because he was talking to me about something and I wasn't listening very well. I was standing at the back next to Charlie, actually I was half leaning against him because I was so tired, but I guess he didn't mind. "Tired?"

"Yeah, dorm under us wouldn't shut up," He laughs. Coach had called all names to say who was going out and who was styaing. Goldberg, Adam, Fulton, Portman, Connie, and Jesse all went out on the ice to start off and then we'd swtich up afterwards. I sorted watched and didn't.

I guess I had fell asleep and Charlie didn't bother waking me up, he let me sleep. I was awake when I heard Coach yelling and saying good job to everyone. Coach now started naming the kids who were going on next, or I guess I should say the lines. I was in a power line again. I had two lines, my first which was Charlie, Guy and I. Then my second which was Luis, Averman, and I. Luis, Averman, myself, Goldberg, Dwayne and Ken we're all going on the ice. I know we didn't have much power, but we had a lot of speed and mind tricks on the ice now. I kinda liked this line, though I was tired, I could tell we were all going to work out well.

 Averman stood at face off and won. He passed the puck out to Luis and I quickly skated forwards, ready to recieve the puck. The cold air in the arena got to me when I was no longer in the semi glass box where we were sitting. I was woke up a bit and thank god too. Luis had passed me the puck and I noticed Ken up top ready to shoot. I passed it to him and pushed the guy next to me on the ground.

Ken had got the puck in and we all huddled together and cheered, so did the crowd and our team. Coach stood there by the door, along with our teacher, and it made my blood boil once again. My jealousy and anger towards Charlie is basically gone now and more towards my father and Miss Mackay. She was on my nerves, but also, just because they're standing side by side doesn't mean anything.

As I was skating backwards, two players had ran into me and I fell to the ground. Man, that's a wake up call! I heard a couple people gasp. I stood up and skated back over to the others so I could continue. Trinidad had the puck now and had a kid who was a break away. I'm suppose to be a defensmen right now with Dwayne, but I didn't know why they didn't put Luis instead. I knocked a kid to the ground and stole the puck from the kid on a break. I sped up and kicked the puck foreward to Luis. He had taken the puck and sped even faster down the ice trying to make a goal.

JUst as he did though, he crashed into the boards because he wasn't looking. Ken went up and had grabbed the puck, so he passed it to me and I handed it to our outter circle so Dwayne could puck handle it until we get into open and decent spots. I was across from him with an opening, soI whistled and he passed it over. I quickly shot, getting it top left corner.

Coach now was switching people out, so Luis and Averman got off and were switched with Charlie and Guy. We did face off once again and Charlie won us the face off, passing the puck over to me and I sped up towards the offensive zone as fast as I could and as far as I could. I passed it over to Guy and he brought the puck through a player's feet and then retrieved it as Charlie had shoved someone out of the wya for him to continue forward. I got knocked to the ground by a kid and then that kid got knocked down by little Ken.

I thanked him and got up as Guy shot, just missed and it bounced off the boards behind him. Ken skated backwards and passed the puck out to Dwayne and he took a shot gettung the puck to hit the top bar. I retireved it wuickly, got shoved to the ground, but quickly stood up and fought for the puck as I was being corned witht he corner between my feet.

"I'm here," I heard Charlie's voice from behind me since the two players were coming at me from the sides. I passed it behind me with my foot and gave himt he puck. He quickly shot and got it in.

I cheered with the team and then headed towards the boards, I jumped the boards and got off so Coach could put someone else in. it's the first time where've I asked and or put myself off the ice. I was tired, lack of sleep doesn't help at all. I took a seat and watched everyone else play. Connie went out and replaced me on the ice.

I watched as they all passed to one another, and each time they were getting closer and closer to the net, everyone on the bench stood up, jaws down and ready to yell. When they missed, we all cheered to tell them they could do it still. On District-5, I'd say Jesse's little brother, Terry, would've been the cheerleader because he was cheering a lot. Even during the game of Hawks VS Ducks in the begining of that season.

In the end, our team won 9-2. It was pretty good, we all got in a line and shook hands with the other team and then we went into the locker room. I had taken my seat next to Charlie and Coach came in congratulating everyone for thei good work and effort put into this game. He told us to all go have fun tonight, but not too much fun. We also had an interview in about an hour from now. We all had to show up wearing our matching Team USA track suits or what ever. It was hot out and the track suits were only pants, from what I know. I know there's tank tops, tee-shirts, hoodies, long sleeved shirts and all. But pants? Really?

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