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Charlie's POV

"Kylie?" I whispered to her, shook her gently since she was asleep. We both had fallen asleep during the movie. I was asleep before she was asleep. I would've left by now because it was getting super late, except she was asleep on me. I don't know how, but it just so happened that she was right next to me. Her head on my shoulder and I could tell she was tired and cold because she wouldn't budge. "Kylie?" I shook her a uup friends. We also have the bro rule, where none of us can date a girl that one of the guys already like, is a best friend to, or a brother to. So since Adam and Kylie are good friends, no one on the team can date her, unless Adam makes a deal with the guy who likes her.

It goes for everyone. And we all gotta be distant from the girls. A little less towards Connie because she's already dating Guy,but we've all known her for awhile now. And Julie, well, she's in the bro rule as well. I don't mind the rule, but we all gotta be careful with who we are with, when, where and how we treat them. If Adam were here, he'd maybe pound me in for breaking the rule. But I also could tell him that it was her who did this, not me.

"Kylie, ya gotta go bed," She heard me I guess because she stood up carefully, almost falling over until I caught her. I heard some movement coming from across the room, which happened to be the other two girls sleeping. I didn't know they were here, they're so quiet. And I gotta get out of this room before I get into deep trouble. I'm so screwed and didn't mean for this to happen and let alone it's super awkward too.

"Watch out, shh," I told her quietly and she was half asleep still. She was tumbling all over the place, so I picked her up bridal style and brought her to her bed. I didn't know which one was hers, but there was only three sets of bunk beds and I asusme each girl had their own bed. So I set her down on the empty bed and right away she curled up in a ball and got under the covers.

After that awkwardness, but also helping her out. I left towards the door and once outside. I had slowly shut the door and leaned against it closing my eyes. "Charlie?" I jump from being scared. My heart was racing now and I swear I jumped like six feet. It was just Coach Bombay though. "You're still up?"

I nod, "Yes I am. But I can explain why. Don't kill me, ya see..." I trailed off and he cut me off and told me to just talking and I wouldn't hurt myself. I nodded and stood there.

"Look, I need you to keep an eye on Kylie. I'd never ask anyone this, but you're the one I trust most with her," Why was he asking me this? There's a bro code, I'd be basically disobeying that rule if I did this for him. I can't do this, it'll kill my relationship with all the guys and I can't have that.

"Look Coach, I'd be honored to," A smile grew on his face. "But I can't," His smile now faded and he looked at me.

"And why not?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders and he sighs, closing his eyes. "Look, don't tell anyone this. But Kylie's my kid and I can't afford anything happening to her, all right? There's scouts all around wanting her already and I told them no. Plus, I don't want any of those youngsters after her, got it?"

I didn't know what to say because I can't do this. No matter what he wants me to do. But he's the oldest here and our Coach. So we gotta listen and right now the entire Kylie, Coach, dad thing hasn't really hit me. I mean it blew my mind and it's cool, but why she kept it beyond me. I wouldn't of mind if my Coach's kid was on my team. She's good at this sport and shouldn't have to hide who she truly is.

"Do you hear me, Charlie?"

I look up at him, not wanting to answer but did. "Yes, Coach," I return my gaze at the ground. I didn't want accept this, but I had to. I just hope the guys won't be on my case. And I don't even know how to watch or keep an eye on her. She's all over the place and I am not always around her.

Coach left down the hall and I went the other way, going to my dorm now so I could get some sleep now that I was awake. I was gonna have troubles falling alseep, but maybe not since I am tired. I entered my dorm room and just as I entered, there was a bunch of flashlights pointing on me. In each room was about a couple of us per room. So, one room had Luis, Dwayne, Goldberg, Averman and Ken. While another was just Fulton and Portman. A second which was Adam, Jesse, Guy, and Myself.

Adam, Guy, and Jesse were all in their beds, but all had flash lights or some sort of bright light pointing on me. I covered my eyes, "Guys, put those down," I told them. My eyes were hurting pretty good and it was a good wake up call from them.

I hear a couple hits from across the room which came from their feet. We had one bunk bed and then two beds that were separate. They were two night tables apart from one another and only the headboard stuck on the wall while the rest of the bed came out. Adam and I both had our own beds on one side of the room while on the other side was the one bunk bed where Jesse claimed top and Guy had the bottom. "Where've you been all night?" Guy asked.

Jesse's arms were crossed as he looked at me and Adam had walked over to the three of us since he was turning the lamp on between our beds. "With Kylie, why?" I asked, looking at them.

"Better not get too close, ya gotta watch the bro code and rules, " I nod, I am trying my best to follow them but with what Coach told me. My head's a mess and I can't think straight.

Adam was looking at me and then he spoke up while Jesse grew a smile on his face and Guy had no clue what they were gonna do, neither did I. "We heard Coach talking today about some scouts wanting to scout out his kid-"

Jesse quickly cut Adam off, "Yeah! He's got a daughter! But he never told us who his kid was. I asked like three times, but got nothin',"

Adam continues, "Anyways, we overheard him say that he didn't want his kid to go to some school for hockey or a different hockey team because he said his kid was fine where they were. Had three different hockey teams in like four years and is happy where they are now," He finishes. He was rubbing his head, "Why do I have a feeling about that?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, but sounds like a you problem, not an us problem," Guy said as he walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge listening to us still as he rubbed his eyes.

I heard a yawn from Jesse, "We should head to bed," I nodded and walked over to my bed as he ran and jumped up on to his bed.

I laid in my bed once I was in my PJs. I thought for awhile. Adam described Coach's kid, whom happens to be his best friend, Kylie Schaffer. And inly I know, but I'd never tell a soul who she is. Though, if I were Adam I'd be a little upset and maybe that feeling he's feeling is right and he just doesn't know until he asks someone.

I finally fell asleep once the night between mine and Adam's bed was out. The snoring somewhat died down from Jesse or Guy. The room was dark and quiet enough, one window open letting the air in and I was dead asleep.

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