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Adam's POV

Everyone except for Charlie and Kylie were here. No one knows where they went, if they're alone or together. But the rest of us were hanging out outside at some picnic tables next to a fountain. Connie, Guy, Goldberg, Averman, Luis, and Ken we're all out at the fountain fooling around, trying to push each other and not fall in. So far, Connie almost fell in but instead stumbled off the other side and Luis had catched her, which made Guy a little mad but then he cooled down and realised that if Luis didn't do it, then she would've fallen on the ground entirely.

I feel terribly. I thought Kyles could take a joke for once sicne I've always been honest with her. We've always been honest and never lied, but since she lied to me recently or wasn't honest, I thought it'd be funny to play a small joke, which turned out horrible because she acted up and left. I told her that I had kissed her sister, which I'd never do because her sister is so uptight and I've always told her off. I always did prefer Kylie over Echo because they were so different. Kylie never liked when anyone talked about her past. But everything happened so suddenly. For Pete's sake, I dont even know her father while she knows my entire family. From my dad, to my brother and strict mother.

I know Kylie's sister and mother, but not her dad and that's been something I have wanted to do. But she never talks about him to me though. and though her mother and older sister moved out awhile ago, I haven't seen her dad once. I know he picks her up from practices and games before, but never did I once see him. And it's probably hard on her with everything thay's been going on. I could tell she was upset lately or having problems. I know because I've been her friend for so long that I've picked up somethings.

But as well, my shot for probably being with her is gone. I feel like she's moved on from Kylie and Adam, best friends. I don't think there's an us anymore. Not that we were dating or anything, no. I can't let anyone know that the hotshot of this team is digging the hotshot female on my team. Actually, all the girls on this team are really good and you could say that they'd compete against each other to be the best.  I just feel so bad that I did that to her. I never kissed her sister, it was all made up because she does fool around too, so I thought I'd get back at her. And right now, she doesn't even want to look at me.

I was tapped out of my thoughts when someone called my name. I looked up from staring at my feet to see Julie there. Her arms on the table, one hand holding her head as she sat there looking at me. "I didn't see you there, sorry," I told her.

She shrugs her shoulders, "It's fine. I just came to ask if you were okay,"

I kinda nodded. I didn't need to tell anyone about the mess I put myself into. For one, they can't know and two, they probably wouldn't be able to help. Well maybe the girls could, but I don't want them getting into fights amongst each other. It'd be my fault for that as well if it were to happen. "Yeah, I'm good,"

I look over at everyone else by the fountain while it was just the two of us here at the tables. We all were talking, goofing around and playing games, but not it was just Guy trying to shove Averman into the fountain with Jesse's help. Portman and Fulton were talking and they could easily throw every one of us into the fountain if they wanted to. "Are you sure? You've been sititng here for an hour looking at the ground not saying a word,"

"Oh, I was just thinking about stuff," She nods and gets up. Placing her hand out for me to take it. I always thought she was some quiet girl who never really talked, but I guess that's not the case here, is it now?

"Come on, you should let loose and stop worrying about Kylie," She smiles, her hand still there for me to take. I took it because she was right about this, I needed to let loose and stop thinking so much. I'm here to play hockey, not impress girls, but the scouts. I follow her out and once we hit the group, she had let my hand go and I stood next to her watching as she crossed her arms.

"Hey Adam," Some of them said, I waved with a smile as I watched. It was good to cool off and get things off my mind. I really needed it and everything was perfect until Connie had asked where Kylie went, then the others started asking where Charlie was. Or if they were together.

"Let's go find them!" Jesse called out, everyone had agreed to that. So I ran along and followed them. We all ran together, following Jesse as Portman was arguing why he should be the leader. He sai dhe was the fastest and toughest here, but he's so wrong. Luis and Kylie are the fastest on our team and he has Fulton who's also the thoughest one here. He needs to come back down to earth and check the calendar.

We ran around for awhile, about an hour looking for them. So next we had all decided to split up now. I went with Dwayne, Jesse, and Ken. We got assigned, by the girls, to go look around the rinks and our locker room. I don't know why they'd be in the locker room, unless they were secretly doing something or Coach Bombay was talking to them about something. After all, Charlie is the Captain of this team and Coach if awfully close to Kylie just as much as he is with Charlie.

We got to the locker rooms and no one was there, until we heard footsteps. We all ran and hid in the small room where you go if you get an injury. We lef tthe door open a crack and all peeked out the small crack, one above the other so we could all see. Coach Bombay was there talking wiith someone. I've never seen this man here before. He had a clip board and was wearing a suit. Why does he get a suit and we have to wear uniforms that match? Honestly, I gotta sat that I love the uniform, I'd just prefer not to wear all the time. But we're representing Team USA and I'd do it to represent our country.

He was looking at the man intensely as he spoke. "Look, I'm not traded off my kid to your team. I just won't let it happen," His kid? I heard them mention something like that at the interview. How come he never told us about his kid? I wonder what he could do? Or even how old he is? Maybe he isn't here because he's either too young or too old, who knows?

I felt Jesse tapping my side, more so hitting as it got more and more into detail and he was just fond by this. Coach had a kid? Was probably what was stuck in his head. I couldn't believe it either. You just wouldn't think he had a kid. Everyone knows he has no wife, so is he a single parent? And if so? Where'd his kid go? They couldn't of stayed back alone if they were young, but if they're older?

"But Coach Bombay, it could be an amazing opportunity. Your child is capable of much more if they were put onto a stronger team. I assure you, you've seen it before. Your kid has pushed herself to the limit before and has succeeded. DOn't you want them to be like you?" Sure, sure, talk him into letting his kid leave. I bet Coach won't let that happen. I don't know his kid, let alone knew he had one until earlier today.

"Who's his kid?" Jesse asked, we couldn't see each other because it was dark in this room. I looked back and saw Coach walking around the room as the man followed him. But we couldn't get out from hiding until we heard the locker room dorms open and shut again. "Who's his kid?" He asked once again. I swear I rolled my eyes and he didn't see me.

They walked around all of our lockers. Coach stopped at Charlie's locker and leaned against it as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, but my daughter is fine where she is. I know she could do so much better, but she'd never accept leaving her team. She's just begining to know them. She's been on three teams in four years, I think where she is is her spot," Bombay continued.

The man nods, "Well here you go. If you do change your mind, give us a call,"

"I will," The man had left and Coach took a seat on one of the benches. Running his hands through his hair. We all decided that we couldn't stay in this dark room anymore. So we all tried getting out but all fell on the ground making a huge thud sound as we fell and groaned afterwards.

Coach stands up scared and looks at us all. "What are you guys doing here?" He ask looking around, "Were you here the entire time? When that man was here?"

"Who's your kid?" Jesse asked standing up. Out of all people I wouldn't think it'd be him to ask this and be so excited over Coach having a kid, who happens to be a pretty good athlete in hockey, and a girl, too.

Coach helps us all up and then looks at us with his hands on his hips. "None of you need to know who my kid is," We nod, except for Jesse wouldn't drop the subject. "Now, head out. You're not suppose to be in here unless there are games or practices going on," We all nod once again and head out of the locker room as we walk down the hall.

We all were relieved when he had let us go. I was happy none of us were in deep trouble for being. Now to find the other two hockey players on our team. Unless the others found them all ready and if they did, great.

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