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About a week later...

Kylie's POV

Last week we had beat France? Was it? I don't know, but we had beat that team. And now I'm sitting on the bench during the second period of our hockey game against the Iceland Islanders. They're all way taller than we are, they're all stocky and well-built guys while were all small. They've got power and have been knocking us all over. By now Coach was putting random kids on the ice, asking us to do this or that. I haven't went on yet and when he does, I'll be out on our power line with Charlie and Guy, plus he;s adding Fulton and Portman with us.Then if it doesn't work, he'll switch Charlie for Luis since we're the fastest and are both small, we could both fit through small tough spaces.

"Swtich it up! Conway! Germaine! Schaffer! Fulton! Portman! Out on the ice!" Coach yelled, all our players quickly got off the ice and the rest of us quickly got on. Connie had gotten off the ice first and I quickly went on replacing her and I went down the ice right after a player to go and steal the puck and also try to stop him while the rest of my team mates join me on the ice.

Once they were all there, we were kinda getting crushed, but not as bad as the others were. I had speed and it was tricky for those bigs guys to get me. I had the puck and I saw and Iceland player coming towards me, so I quickly passed it off to Portman and got shoved into the boards. I fell down and was gonna hook the kid, but thought my dad would kill me because it wouldn't be good if we had four players against five tough guys that we can't even beat when we had five of us.

I got up and stood there, my knee was hurting a little from being knocked in. I watched and then I saw my dad looking right at me afte rhe yelled at the boys to pick up the pace. I quickly turned rolloing my eyes and picking up my speed every step forward. I was up where the puck and I had came up from behind and cross checked the player. He went forward and fell to the ground as Fulton had the puck. But everyone on the ice stopped quickly as a ref looked at my number as he called me out. He took my arm and brought to the otherside of the rink as I took my seat in the penalty box.

I deserved this, but so did that other play and this might as well be the Hawks vs Ducks game all over again. Where the Hawks are gonna get me out. I was sitting quietly in the penalty box, each time Charlie swung by catching up to the others, he'd take a glance at me and smile slightly. I'd smile back, but there no point because he wouldn't see me and if he did, he'd be knocked to the ground by an Iceland player.

I didn't mind the box, although I never really was in the box ever and if I was, it was because I was mad. My two minutes were finally up and the guy opened the door and I quickly skated out on the ice. The Iceland players were all too busy setting up a play, so Guy saw me and had intercepted a pass, slicing the puck down to me and I quickly turned as I heard the Iceland boys yell something out. I kinda got scaed and knew that this here wasn't a plan nor a play.I just thought we could get a free way in like this.

I went up to the net and went to shoot, but the goalie saved my goal. I went to turn around and was knocked to the ground for the second time this game. Everyone else has been knocked, flipped, and pushed to the ground many times now and then there was me. I saw skates skating towards me as the game still continued and it was Charlie. He passed me the end of his stick and I grabbed it as he hauled me up. "Thank you, Charlie!" I yelled so he could hear me and he nodded as we both went down the ice. Me passing him of course.

We had the puck now again and Portman got shoved as he handed the puck to no one since he was out of control from being knocked to the ground. I looked at the Iceland player and we both hurriedly went for the puck. One on one we went down the ice as we both huffed and puffed, both teams cheered and I didn't know what to do. My team was at my end and I was in the offensive zone alone with a guy bigger than I was.

I had caught the puck and skated with one hand on the stick. He was right on my tail and I quickly stopped, deking him and going left as I shot, making a fast puck, the goalie almost had it and the puck went into the net, sounding the alarm. We have two points, but Iceland is at five already. We need at least four more to win.

We all huddled together as a team and most of us got off the ice. I was about to enter when Coach pushed me back and told me I was staying with the others. Luis was there and he winked, I saw Charlie about get up when Coach pushed him back down, looking at him and I got a little confused. Does he know?

I shook it off and headed out to face off. Averman took the face off, talking and not really focusing. I had Luis, Averman, Ken, and Jesse with me. Averman got shoved to the ground and Iceland had the puck and was making their way to our side. Luis and I were up ahead as Averman was getting up and Jesse and Ken were backing us up for now until we go back to defend. Right now, I felt like I was a do-it-all. I didn't want to be, but Coach wouldn't of made me stay if he knew what I was capable of doing. I was going to my limits and soon I'm going down. My knee was hurting very little, but it was just a bad hit and it'll go away within a day. Most of them are like that.

Luis had the puck and motioned me forewards, I went forewards and got the puck he passed across to me. I passed the puck to Ken and he spun, but got knocked over as a player took the puck. It was mostly back and forth not really going anywhere by now. I was bored of it, but still in this game until I am off. Jesse was at the other end and I'd be pushing guys down, but I didn't have enough muscle to do it myself.

I had the puck passed to me accidentally by the Iceland team and I skated up with two iceland players behind me. I couldn't go anywhere but straight. So, I ran into the boards by their net and they couldn;t stop in time, so they had ran into me pretty hard and I fell to the ground. Feeling that shooting pain coming from my side and my head hurting. Next thing I saw was pure black, all I remember was is going straight into the boards and blacking out.

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