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I was walking with the other two and they did agree that my shorts were a little short but that I total rocked them. We were all talking as we walked down the street. We had quite awhile until we got back to the arena. So we'd have to take a cab back in about twenty minutes. I was talking with them until Connie had asked, "Why'd Portman do that to Charlie?"

"Look, it was an accident and if I didn't do it, then he was going to. I was doing my job of not letting him past me," They nod.

"Well, next time you guys should be less..." Julie started but couldn't find the words.

"Aggressive," Connie finished for her. Okay I knew that we were a little rough, but they gotta grow some back bone and toughen up.

I know at practice today I was late and I wasn't the nicest during the scrimmage, but I was really wanting to show my dad what I could do and with my team. As I was walking, I stopped and sighed loudly. "What?" Julie asked,

"I still have to do my five miles. Guess I could start here and go up a couple blocks and then make my way back. It's about eight and a half kilometers," I tell them as I look up the street which was the beginning of a hill. I guess I'll have to keep a steady pace and not over work myself.

"Guess we could take a taxi back," Connie shrugs. I smile, "No, I'm not running and you're in jeans,"

"So? Jeans are still what I'm wearing. I ain't gonna by new clothes just to run in," They nod and call a cab. I tighten the straps on my back pack and run with a hockey stick in hand. I could've given it to them but didn't. I was stupid to realise that I had that in my hand. And yes, I did buy a stick. It's gonna go with my collection of them. The rest are at Jan's shop because I had them left there before I moved to Wadena. Now I got a new one and it's a must to have a stick collection, well, in my eyes it is.

I started in my jeans and about halfway up the hill and about a kilometer into the run. Guys were walking the sides of the streets or strolling down the streets in their cars whistling at me. I rolled my eyes and continued running. I figured out that running in jeans and a black long sleeve wasn't the best. So I rolled the sleeves and took the bottom of my sweater, pulled my shirt to just below my bra and tied it. I tied my hair in a ponytail and I still felt my hair halfway down my back. I was gonna be less hot running with my shirt rolled up. I was already sweating and was gonna take a shower tonight after the game no matter what.

I turned once I hit a certain distance and then started my run down the  hill and back to the arena for my game which will be starting in about an hour. We've been out here since lunch, we ate lunch out and they bought stuff and what not. I feel bad for ditching them, but I put myself in this mess, not them.

I was getting hotter and hotter by the minute and I am so happy I wasn't wearing make up because if I did, then it'd be running down my face and I'd look like a clown. I swear if you just touched the top of my head you'd feel the heat already and it doesn't help that it's super hot outside. I was tired of being out here, I didn't mind the running the part at all, I just have to keep a steady pace and hurry before I get over heated and throw up. I guess Chinese food wasn't the best to eat for lunch and then go running for five miles.

I was almost half way there when someone showed up and stopped me. I was breathing quickly and they wouldn't let me by. It was teenage boy about my age, maybe a year or two older and he didn't look like a very nice person. I took a couple steps back, holding my hockey stick behind me and it was a bad idea to bring it with me. He yanked the stick out of my hand and pushed me to the ground. I tried getting it back and he just kept shoving me or tripping me. I was getting small scrapes on my knees from the asphalt and I was mad now.

"Give it back!" I shouted, people around us didn't do anything to help me. This boy had finally had enough of me struggling to get my stick. He had attempted to shove me and instead I got hit with the butt end of the stick. I groaned and went to the ground as I held my stomach. Man that hurt. Just when I thought it couldn't go any worse, it did. I found my stick snapped in two as it laid in front of me on the ground.

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