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Charlie's POV

We all were walking in to the arena for practice. We all stopped when we heard some talking going on. Someone must be the using the rink right now until it's our turn. I was next to Jesse wondering what it could be, he looked at me clueless. We all continued walking, shushing one another but it just made things louder until Connie half yelled and slapped everyone to shut up. We all did and stopped at the boards near the locker room.

So this is where Adam ran off to and where Kylie has probably been the entire time. Connie did mention her being with Coach for the morning working on something. They were on the ice and there was some obstacle course looking thing in the middle of the rink from one end to the other. I was a little confused at first because I didn't know why it was there.

I looked around and saw Coach at the edge of the ice, in his Team USA track suit, talking to Mr. Tibbles. But I returned my gaze back at the two on the ice. I did feel something inside of me, but I couldn't quite master out what it was. Sickness or jealousy towards one of them. I wasn't sure why, because things aren't going right between Kylie and I and then Adam and I are good bros.

I saw Kylie fall on the ground and she stayed there for a little while as Adam, being his normal self, helped her out. She was holding her knee and looked like she was crying. I could hear them and her sobs. But those weren't just any sobs, they were the fakest ones I've ever heard. Adam was next to her, half freaking out because he didn't know what to do. But then Kylie punched him lightly as she laughed and got up quickly. Adam got up as well and chased her, but she looked faster and was. She was skating around the rink no problem and then once she saw the rest of us, she had stopped and Adam ran into her. Both of them crashing to the ground with a thud and a couple groans.

"Adam, Kylie, are you two all right?" Coach asked walking over to them. He and Tibbles helped them up as we walked into the locker room quietly. But once in the locker room, we all started bursting out into yells. We all yelled  over each other as some laughed or some talked about Adam and Kylie.  I was loud, but not as loud because anyone could walk in here within a matter of seconds, or even minutes. So, I got quiet for now.

Kylie's POV

I walked into the locker room and it was beyond quiet. Never has it been this quiet in a locker room, especially one filled with boys. Our locker room was huge, there was a separate room for showers and bathrooms, which bunked together, and then the locker changing area and the doors to leave, as well as a small stand with food and crap. But there was also a small room next to the doors to leave which was for someone injured.

The lockers were all in a U shape. But in the middle of the bottom of the U was an opening so people could walk in and out of the locker room. I was bunked next to Charlie and on the other side of him was Jesse. Next to me was an empty locker and the the big opening and then Fulton's locker. Next to him was someone and then I didn't bother to really see whow as on the other isde of that. But Adam spoke up to everyone and said he had someone named Julie, who was next to him. Connie and Guy were next to each other and on the same side.

When I was done getting dressed in my gear and stuff, everyone had left and i looked at the names to see who was next to who. So, I started at the top on my side. It was Luis Mendoza, didn't know him, and then Connie, Guy, Dwayne Robertson, Jesse, Charlie, Me, no one. And then starting of the other side was Dean Portman, Fulton, Ken Wu, Averman, Goldberg, Julie Gaffney and then Adam. It was a neat mix up, mixing girls and guys together instead of just girls next to each other.

I got out on the ice and we all stood together as the new kids were together. Averman was joking around and at one point had said that I should be with the newbies because I haven't been here long and was gone for awhile. I ignored him and stood next to my dad and on the other side of him was Mr. Tibbles. I yawned as I watched the new kids standing there. Everyone else was behind us snickering around and laughing, I didn't really bother.

I should thank Adam and my father. After I had faked my knee being hurt earlier, Adam had chased me and once we stopped. He showed me how fast I could skate without even noticing it. But in the mean time I watched as Mr. Tibbles told everyone about each new player on our team. I gotta say, we have some good looking players joining our team. And Averman sure did put it out there because he got Guy mad and ended up on the ground.

"Guys, this is Luis Mendoza from the Miami club, in Miami Florida. Real great skate, speedster, I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to line," I scoff, no way could he be faster than me. I've always been the fastest on this team and I'm gonna keep it that way.

I whisper to my dad, "He can't be as good as me,"

"Well, you've been off the ice for awhile now," He responds. Gee, thanks dad! Mendoza put his helmet on and turned in a circle. He went down the ice and was super fast. I was amazed, maybe we can both tie for first place in speed. But we're also the only two speedsters on the team. I watched as he rounded the net and crashed into the boards. I coveredmy hand over my mouth from preventing my gasp to escape. He can't stop?

"He has troubles stopping,"Tibbles added. I guess he could work on that a little more. Next up was a boy from what seemed like he was from Texas. The hat kinda explained it, but then again anyone from anywhere can wear a hat like his. "Next is Dwayne Robertson from Austin Texas. He's the best puck handler there is,"

Some of the guys laughed, "You mean for his age?" My dad asked. Tibbles shook his head.

"No, in the world," I nodded and he showed everyone what he could do. It was kinda cool actually, it could do us use during games. I bet he practices a lot too in order to do stuff like that. I can only pick the puck up and send across the rink or even only half way.  "Julie Gaffney from Bangor, Maine. Incredible moves,"

"We got a goalie already, Goldberg," Coach told him. Julie then put her helmet on and we had a couple of us go and shoot on her. Connie offered to go first and her shot got blocked by Julie. Man, she's amazing. But I haven't seen Goldberg in awhile now, maybe he isn't as good as she is. Who knows.

"This is Ken Wu-"

"The olympic figure skater?" My dad questioned surprised.

"Uh yes, I gave him a stick and no one's been able to touch him," I nod, how cool. I know this team had figured skater's before, but he knew there'd be another to join the team and help represent team USA. Ken Wu had skated out and did some cool turns and stuff. He was on a sweet role until some older looking boy had picked him up and set him on the net. He walked between us and knocked some of the guys down in the back. I believe it was Charlie and Jesse.

He was singing terribly, pushing everyone over and didn't even look like a teenager. He was goon. He was worse than Fulton was but I could tell that this boy was going to be an enforcer. He walked between us and knocked some of the guys down in the back. I believe it was Charlie and Jesse. Then he looked at me and whistled along with a wink. I saw Adam's face, he looked a little jealous. But I'm sure this kid was just playing around. I also my dad didn't see, but oh well. I don't need to follow his strict dating rules, I' m fourteen years old and quite capable of handling things on my own.

I stood there as he skated around, he didn't really show off what he could. but I guess this team could use some muscles and I have no clue if he has dreams or not, but we'll see in the future if he has some or not.

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