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Today we have practice and well, I was pretty happy with it. Adam had his arm in a sling and I assume my father noticed it. We all got told that he was going to be sitting out for the rest of time while we're here until we leave to go back to Minnesota and where ever the hell I go. We all were on the ice doing laps, about ten to warm us up and then after that we were gonna do some plays and figure it out from there. Well, Coach was going to figure it out. He had Adam watching and guiding everyone along the way.

I was next to Luis doing our last lap as everyone else was on their seventh, taking it slow and steady while we went quick and were out of breath. Jan had pulled us away for awhile and wanted to help Luis out with stopping. We had set cans and he was suppose to come at a great speed and then stop in front of it.

I stood there with Luis and we both were gonna skate quickly. I was gonna stop though beside him while he had to stop in front of the cans.  Jan counted down to three and we sped off quickly. Once we hit the cans, I stopped, shaving the ice and he completly missed and fell into the cans. It's all right, it's his first attempt. He should get it within the next tries.

After many many attempts, we were the only ones still here after practice helping out Luis. At one point Jan was setting up the cans and Luis started skating quickly and had knocked me over. He tripped and brought me down with him. We both laughed and smiled. I have to admit that I was having fun, no matter who I was with. We're all friends and we all deserve to hang out with a different friend every now and then.

We had gotten up and this was halfway through the practice of doing this. No one was here and they were well gone by. Once Jan told us to stop for the night, we headed to the locker rooms. We were done changing in about five or ten minutes. We walked out together with and decided to meet up with the others. "I've heard so much around here that I have no clue what to believe. Are you dating Charlie or Adam?"

"Neither, " I laugh. He laughs at himself for believeing that and I tell him that it's okay to believe that. It's what he heard and thought. I won't judge.

"I thought you were dating Adam and then were cheating or left him for Charlie," He laughs along still.

"Nope, single pringle,"

We were up stairs and now and he entered his dorm room while I continued down the hall to my room. I was in my room when Julie and Connie both ran up to me, handing me some letter. "We read it, we're sorry, but we had to," I look at them confused and like they're stupid, when they're not.

I didn't know what it was, but it some small folded paper that couldn't of been for me saying that I was scouted out. Impossible. I unfolded it and it had a phone number on it. "We should call the number. Put it on speaker and we all listen," Connie suggests.

I nod and take that into consideration. But what happens if this was only for me. The paper had my name on it only. "It'll waste some time, ya know?" Julie added. I smiled and decided that we'll do it.

We all got on Julie's top bunk which was closer to the phone. All of us were on our stomachs, I was in the middle and had the phone. I started dialing the phone and slowly because the phone didn't reach this far, only the cord did and once it did, I had my arm hanging over the bed to hold it. It was dialing now and we waited until someone picked it up.

"Hello," Someone answers.

"Uh hey, we received a number from you under our door," I reply. Connie hits my shoulder and I put the phone down in the bed so it could hide the mic where we talk into.

"Ask them who they are!" She says. I nod and do as she tells me to.

"Sorry for disturbing you-" I looked at her with a fake smile as I did as told and she smiled, knowing I didn't want to ask this. "-guys during this time. But we'd like to know who we're speaking to, please?" I ask as nicely as possible just to make the three of us laugh.

"We can't give out personal information-" They their line goes down and it's silent. I assume there's more than one person on the other line. "and we're from Team Canada. It's the brunette hottie, blonde dork, and Mr. Muscles," we all start laughing and what was weird is that we heard laughing coming from the other line as well.

"Is this a joke?" Julie asks, taking the phone and putting it down so they couldn't hear us.

"I'd assume so if they're laughing and how the hell does someone get the number of our dorm room phone?" Connie asks.

I sigh, "I don't know, but who ever it is, is a creep and by the way, I don't even know the number of our dorm. That's sad," I add. We all laugh and Julie lifts the phone up as we heard mumbling. We didn't bother to ask what they said and instead she talked which made us laugh even more.

"Hey Canadians!" She plays along with them, assuming they're not the Canadian team. "Why'd you boys slip your number under our door and for a girl player whom you know the name of?"

"Crap, they're on to us!" We heard from the phone. "Abort, abort!"

We all laughed and Connie fell off the bed and on to the floor. We threw the phone to the side and jumped off the bang. All you heard was is a bang sound from mine and Julie's feet hitting the ground. We helped Connie up as she laughed some more with tears in her eyes. "Man, those guys are funny,"

"They're probably the idiots from our team," Julie adds.

"I don't think so, it didn't sound like them. Only the end which sounded like Jesse," I add to Julie's comment. We all stand leaning against Julie's bed as we talk and think.

Connie looks up, "Who bunks with Jesse?" she asks.

"I have no clue!" Julie says.

"I wouldn't know, ya see, my father would kill me if I went in their room," I reply.

We all take a seat on the bed and I sit on the back of the couch looking at them. I'm sure you're not suppose to sit on the couch like this, but oh well. "Right, he's so strict," Connie says nodding her head.

"Oh yeah, Bombay's your dad,"

"What!" We hear a voice. we look around and then hear more voices. I get up and remember that the phone isn't hung up yet. I couldn't hear the voices well enough. I hung up the phone, saying goodbye and wished them a wonderful night alone.

"Yep, he doesn't want me to end up like my monster of a sister,"

We all end up talking for awhile longer. We didn't go to sleep until later on that night. And we had practice again tomorrow, I'm sure we'll all be asleep tomorrow or not paying attention one bit. Plus, I got my dad who will be on my case if I don't show up. I've never missed a game or a practice in my life and hopefully I don't tomorrow.

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