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I've been awake for a long while because I had fell asleep around four in the afternoon. So I've been up since five thirty this morning with nothing to do. Connie and Julie were both asleep and I gotta say. I messed things up big time. Those pain killers from last night made me go a little wilder than expected. I wasn't what I did, but I don't really want to know because there could be embarrassing stuff that I said and don't want to relive that.

It's around seven now and I have done nothing, except get dressed and do my hair. I put my hair in a messy bun for the day because we have classes today. They suck, we've had like three days class so far and I wasn't really interested. I think there was only a couple of us who were and the rest just sat and talked to the kid next to them.

I heard some creaking floorboards and looked behind me as I sat on the couch with the small lamp next to it. Connie smiled as she walked over and took a seat, shivering. She was engulfed by a blanket and all I saw was is her face. She must've been cold, but then again I always am or usually am cold after waking up. "Feeling better?"

I nod, "Yeah,"

She smiles and looks down, "Is Bombay really your dad?" She asked. How'd she know? Who told her? I looked at her confused.

"Who told you?"

She laughs, "You did, last night when you left the locker room after Portman asked what drugs you sniffed and then Charlie walked ya back here,"

Charlie? I didn't know he brought me back here. But lately he's been closer with me than Adam has. I guess I finally realised that I need Adam more than I think I do. I feel like a complete looser after everything that has happened, especially last night. Speaking of last night. I wasn't in much pain, my side hurt a little while my knee, there was no pain felt. I was happy about that and I think last night was just one of those hard hits that you'll feel but won't last long. Say, take an ankle for example. You know when you're walking and twist it accidentally? Then you get that pain in your ankle for five minutes or so, maybe less, but it goes away after awhile. Well, my pain in my side and knee feel or seem to be like that. Only lasts so long.

I didn't know I had told everyone and I wish Adam doesn't get even madder at me than he probably already is. I need to clear the air once I see him again either before or after class. Connie was getting hungry and Julie was asleep and she'll sleep for awhile longer so we left a note saying where we were going to be and then left.

As we were walking, some of the boys must've heard of us or were already leaving their room because they joined us on our walk downstairs to eat. We had Dwayne, Luis, Averman, Goldberg, and Portman who joined us. The rest of our team mates were all asleep and so far no one has come out of the second boys' dorm room which belongs to Jesse, Guy, Charlie, and Adam. But oh well, maybe they all went to bed late last night.

We got downstairs and the seven of us all got one big table that held six people and then Portman pulled up a chair at the end. Connie and I sat next to each other one side with Averman while the other side was Goldberg, Luis, and Dwayne.  Dean Portman was certainly the oldest one here along with Fulton, except Portman acted much more like a child at times and when he wasn't, he was running his big mouth that I'm sure most of us wished we had staples big enough to staple it shut.

"So? How's it going, Princess?" Portman calls as he looks over at me. I didn't respond at first because first off, I'm not a princess and don't get treated like one. And secondly, he better shut that mout before I do something about it. He then throws something at me and I look at it. It was one of his rings.

I throw it back to him, "Screw off, Goon!" I called as I sank in my seat. I was in the middle between Averman and Connie. I didn't mind, I just wished Portman had table manners. Soon we all ordered and he still had no manners so Connie and I bugged him on that.

"Anyways, will you be playing at our next game?" Luis asks me as he looks at me. I nod.

"Yeah, I'm not permanently hurt," I respond.

"Good, I prefer playing when you're on the ice because you're not only up to my speed, but we do great out there," I nod with a smile.

Soon, all the others get down stairs and sit at the table across from us because next to us was only booths for two people or seats for four. Half of them looked dead tired still, like they still had messy hair and I swear I saw one of them in their PJS and another not even wearing a shirt. Our food came and we were all quiet as the other table spoke quietly and I swear it looked like Julie was gonna die sitting with only guys. But at least she had three quiet boys with her who didn't do much, which was Adam, Charlie, and Guy. Jesse talked quite a bit, considering during hockey he's been yapping to some kid in the stands.

I was eating when Portman through his food over towards Connie and I. I had ducked so he had hit Connie's plat and getting some of her arm. If I didn't move it would've went to my chest. I didn't need tog et hit with what ever he was eating. Oh, it's just eggs, toast, bacon, and sausages. Connie stood up and looked at him as she put her hands on the table to state her ground.

I sat back in case this got ugly. Actually, at last minute I stood up and jumped over the booth that was behind my back when I sat. I got down and walked around the place until I reached the other side where Portman was. I just stood there and watched as Connie was telling him how much of a jerk he was. The boys all were quiet while everyone at the other table were looking our way.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and wasn't sure if it was from my table or not. So I left it alone and continued watching and soon Connie took her plate, my arm and dragged me out behind her. I followed, but I was lucky I had eaten half of my food before we left this place. We stood out in the hall as she explained to me what happened, then Guy shows up, nodding a hello towards me and a 'hey' to Connie.

"What happened, baby?" He asked her, bring her to his side as I stood there. I didn't mind when they did stuff like that. They also kissed, but never did they do often. They weren't that couple who showed off much, just enough to make each other happy. I thought they were cute, even during the Hawks and Ducks game back when we were eleven or so years old.

"Nothing, I dealt with it," She responds. He nods and looks at me.

"Here," He hands me something which was a note. Connie kinda smiles as if she knew something. "It's a letter for you,"

"Let me guess, Charlie?" He shakes his head.

He responds with "Nope," I tuck letter away in the pocket of my jacket. I was wearing my normal clothes and then once we get back to our dorm room, I'll change into our USA clothing. Connie says goodbye to Guy by giving him a kiss on the cheek and then we both head upstairs as she finishes eating her food on the way up. Once up, we go in to the room and open all the windows for air and light in here.

I searched for my USA clothing and had no idea where they were. And soon I found them handing up on the end of my bed where I guess I had put them last. I got dressed quickly and then waited for Connie. Once finished we both sat in the room until Julie came up and until class started.

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