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Coach Bombay's POV

I was up when I heard some sort of clang. I sat up rubbing my eyes and once I opened them, I saw Charlie standing there. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you,"

"It's fine, Charlie... How you doing?" He nods, kinda saying that he was all right. We got back so late last night and I don't know where Kylie went to crash. I know that Jan had another room out back that had a couch or two and there was a couple benches around the stores for people to sit on and try on their stuff.

Jan walked in with some food and we all smiled, then he asked, "Where's Kylie?" He looked around.

I rubbed the back of my head, "I have no clue where she crashed last night," Charlie stood there looking confused. Right, she didn't want any of the ducks knowing that she was my kid. Well, I guess I'll either have to keep that a secret still or tell them. But for her sake and so I don't have a grumpy teenager, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.

"I can help look around for her if you guys want," Charlie offers, Jan and I nod. This store is huge and she could be anywhere in this place. Charlie headed off and I looked around slowly with Jan as I talked with him about different things and he was trying to convince me to continue coaching hockey. But with my knee injury, I wasn't so sure and all the ducks were older now and I don't know how many would still want to play hockey. And I can't keep coaching Pee Wee hockey for the rest of my life. So I thought on it.

Charlie's POV

I looked around for Kylie. I had no idea she came back with Coach. I knew she left with him to go back to her home town with Coach's cousin's, where she lives. Honestly, I can't speak this morning for some reason, but oh well. I scattered the place and before I had left, Coach and Jan suggessted the extra room around here somewhere.

Once I got to the other room, I found her asleep under some blankets on the couch. I didn't really know her well and I did feel like she didn't want to be around me much before and when we were young. I was confused because she wasn't the nicest, she was nice but she spoke to me with some attitude. But with Adam, she spoke so softly and kind with him. I know she's known him a lot longer than me, but I want her to see me the same way.

I shook her gently and called her name as she rolled over and hid under the blanket even more. She had mumbled a couple words and I had no idea what she said. After a little while she woke up rubbing her eyes. "Hey,"

"Hey," I responded. She stood up and stretched and I quickly turned the other way because she wasn't fully clothed. She had shorts on and her top was just a bra, never would I imagine seeing that at fourteen. "Gee, that's a wake up call," I told her.

She laughs, "Sorry Charlie, I didn't think I'd get woken up this morning by a fourteen year old or at all for that matter,"

"Man, it's fine, Kylie. Don't make a big fuss,"

"Yeah right, it didn't bother you one bit. I bet you're smiling," She said. I heard her stand up and walk over to get something, probably from her bag. I indeed was not laughing or smiling. I was confused and had no words to describe what I felt because I saw a girl without a shirt on. Okay, saying it that way makes me sound weird and the entire situation even worse. "You can look now,"

I turned around to see her with a sweater on. It was probably bigger than she was, but then again she didn't get much bigger, she was taller for sure, but she stayed her small physic. I always liked the way she smiled, but I knew she probably didn't like me much. I looked back at her and saw her putting something on her knee. "What's that for?" I asked her, kinda concerned.

"Nothing," She replied getting up after that and then making her way out. I wished I knew why we had our differences or why she had differences with me. I was completely fine with her and want to be her friend, but with her being this way, I doubt it'll happen.

We arrive out by the cash registers and where all the photos are hung up. Jan spoke up, "Charlie, you can take the day off today, if you'd like," I nod.

"Thanks," I look around and Coach is looking back and forth between the two of us. And when I mean two of us, I mean Kylie and myself. "Well, see you," I told them and waved.

"Bye Charlie," Everyone said as I walked towards the doors. Kylie waved but said nothing and returned looking around.

Kylie's POV

Two days later...

Someone came into the store as I was sitting on the counter by the register. My dad was in the back sharpening skates as the man walked in and Jan was behind the counter with me, until he walked to the back to go and get my father. I assume he knew something because this man looked like he was in the wrong store.

My dad comes walking out, limping a little bit and holding his hip. He looks so old when he does that and it makes Jan look way younger than he is. I laughed, he told me to stay quiet and I did. I sat there watching and listening as the man looked my father up and down. "Yes, very good, you look better than your pictures," The man says. He voice already annoyed me.

"Thank you?" My dad said confused, "Anyways, what can I help-" Before he could finish the man had knocked all the hockey sticks on the ground, causing a loud sound. "you with?" He finishes.

" I'm Don Tibbles, senior VP of Hendrix Hockey Apparel. And well, your friend here has sent in forms saying you're willing to take up a coaching position,"

My dad continued listening as the man spoke some more. I didn't think we came back here so my father could take up coaching again. Before he hated it, then loved it because it was a sport he loved. "I think I found the perfect Coach to coach Team USA this year at the Junior Goodwill Games,"

No way! My father, is going to be Coach for that team. The games are like a once in a lifetime opportunity and he better take up that offer because if not, I'll break his other knee. "Yes, I'll take it," Yes!

My dad shakes hands with the other man and then the man leaves telling my father to round up those Ducks. Wait, the Ducks! We get to go as well! Oh my gosh! Wait, why couldn't of been a different time? I probably can't even compete, but the again I haven't tried running yet and the doctor did say I could start any time now.

My dad walks over to us smiling as Jan gives him a duck call so he can go round up the Ducks. "Kylie, wanna round up Ducks with Charlie?"

I shake my head, "Nah, I think he's a big boy," I didn't want to say yes because I'd be stuck with Charlie for the rest of the day and I don't want to and then I also don't want to start skating today witout some else other than Charlie who will be there.

"All right, I'll go, but in twenty minutes you better be where we are," I nod and he leaves outside. I sit there with Jan and he sighs looking at me with a discouraged face.

I didn't know why he was like that, so I asked him. "What's ticking your brain, Jan?"

"Well, I've been observing you and Charlie. Things don't seem to be going the way they should,"

Jan was always someone to help the other out. Hans helped out a lot too with problems, when one was here, they always made sure to say something in order to make things well. "You're right. I don't like Charlie at all,"

"Why not? He's a very nice boy. Can't you see he just wants to be your friend?"

"I can see clearly. It's just that I don't like him because I'm jealous and mad at him. He and my father seem to have more of bond than I actually do with my father at times. And this goes back to when we were eleven years old. I never liked him because of it,"

Jan nods looking at me with a look on his face. "Why don't you just tell him?"

I jump off the counter and look at him with a serious face as I tired not to wince because I landed wrong when I hit the ground. "Jan, I can't do that! He thinks I'm my dad's cousin's kid,"

"Why would you tell him that?"

"Sorry Jan, but I better be going now, thanks for the pep talk," He smiles and waves as I walk out and wave back. I stopped once I was outside and looked around to see where the others would be and what street my dad had said to meet him at.

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