The First day of the rest of your life!

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(Edited 7/24/2018)

Hello everyone! So for those of you that have read my Charisk book, I'm very sorry that I lost interest. I hope you can forgive me. I'll try to make this book even better than that one.

Bradley: Me, the protagonist, age 17.

Lucas: My rival. Based off of Lucas from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. He is 17 like I am.

Dawn: Based off of Dawn from the anime, only she is 17 as well, and she might have a few other changes.


Bradley woke up and a rush of adrenaline quickly fills his whole being as a large smile spreads across his face.

Bradley: I can finally get my first Pokemon!!!

Matthew, who was sleeping in the same room, yells, as he falls off of his bed.

Matthew: Oww... Bradley why did you have to yell that...? You're gonna be lucky if you didn't wake up the whole neighborhood...

Bradley: Oh crap... Sorry, I'm just so psyched that I forgot about how early it is...

Matthew: Ehh... I understand how you feel... You can finally catch that Pokémon.

Bradley: Yea! I'm gonna get a Pokeball and finally claim him as my own... I'm so happy! He's been my best friend for quite a while now... I've had to wait a long time... But now that I'm 17, mom and dad will finally let me set out on my journey.

Matthew: Heh, yeah. Sounds fun.

Bradley: Yeah! It'll be great. And when you start your journey in 2 years, we can meet up and battle!

Matthew gives a thumbs up to Bradley. Bradley heads down to get ready for the start of his Pokémon journey.

Bradley walks out of their room, walking downstairs to see his Mom making breakfast, and his father watching the news.

Makayla: Nice to see you're finally 17.

Bradley: Yeah. I'm so excited for my journey.

Makayla: Well if you can't wait, hurry up and get your Pokemon.

Bradley: Yeah!

Bradley walks to his parents, giving them goodbye hugs. He then heads to professor Rowan's lab. Professor Rowan is the Sinnoh region's professor.

He makes sure he doesn't step in the tall grass along the way to sandgem town. When he finally arrives, his companion and his rival are both there waiting for him.

Bradley looks at his rival and gives a friendly, yet rivalry, smirk. Lucas smirks back. Bradley then looks at the first Pokémon he ever met. His best friend, Heracross!

Bradley: Are you ready my friend? It's finally time!

Heracross nods, with a look of enthusiasm in his eyes.

Lucas: Heh, well I guess it's time for us to get our pokeballs.

Both Bradley and his rival head inside and receive their Pokeballs, as well as their pokedex. Bradley smiles.

Bradley: It's finally time! Go Pokeball!

Heracross gladly goes into the ball, not resisting at all during the capture.

Bradley: Finally! I caught... Heracross!

Little does he expect, he'll meet someone he cares a lot. Possibly more than Heracross.

Professor Rowan: Congratulations Bradley and Lucas. This is the first day of the rest of your lives! So start living it!

Lucas: Congrats man! Hey, wanna have our first Pokémon battle?

Bradley: Hell yeah!

Lucas: Alright! Bradley... I challenge you to a Pokémon battle!

The battle was close. In the end, however, Heracross wins.

Bradley: Yes! I win! Your Pinsir was no match for Heracross!

Lucas: Crap... Welp you won this round, but don't expect the same next time we battle!

Bradley: I'll Expect whatever I want man!

Lucas: Heheh, well I'll see you later dude. Good luck on your journey and make sure you pick up a friend or two to travel with. It'll make your journey more exciting.

Bradley: Will do! You make sure to do the same.

Lucas: You don't have to tell me twice. Goodbye Bradley!

Bradley: Peace!

Bradley and Lucas head towards Jubilife City using separate paths. Heracross follows behind feeling eager to journey with his trainer.

Dawn: Oh dear... I'm lost... I got lost here even though I meant to stop at Sandgem town... Me and my dumb directional skills...

Bradley: I wonder who would wanna journey with me... I guess I'll just have to find out...

And by a twist of fate, Bradley and Dawn's paths collide... Quite literally.

Dawn: Ack! Oh I'm so sorry sir! I didn't see you there!

Bradley: Woah! Oh, it's perfectly fine! I share as much of the blame as you do. I should've watched where I was walking.

Dawn: It's okay.

Bradley: My name is Bradley, by the way. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?

Dawn: I'm Dawn! And it's nice to meet you too... Oh no! I just remembered I was on my way to Sandgem town to get a starter Pokémon, but I got lost... And now I'm in the middle of a route without a pokemon...

Bradley: Oh I just left Sandgem Town! I'll take you there and make sure you arrive safely.

Dawn: Oh thank you so much!

Bradley: It's no problem Dawn, I'd do anything to help a new friend.

Dawn: New friend?

Bradley: Of course! You seem kind enough.

Dawn: Thank you!

Bradley: Of course. Now, let's head to the old geezer's lab.

And now their journey truly begins. Lucas starts his Pokémon journey with his Pinsir, and Bradley met a girl named Dawn whom he's helping get her first Pokémon. What do you think the future holds for these three? Only time will tell.


Hey everyone! I hope you liked this story. I'm just gonna say now, even I got a bit bored writing this because the beginning of Pokémon Journeys are always super slow... I promise it'll get better later on. In any case, have a great day or night, and I'll see you in the next part.

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