The time has come

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Author's Note before the story!! This is a little throwback to when Bradley and Dawn fought at the Eterna gym. This fabulous art was done by none other than my most loyal reader!! GenocidalWolf !!! Thanks for the art!!! And thank you even more for continually reading this. I really do appreciate it.


After a year of training, Dawn and Bradley have improved their skills tenfold. They have promised themselves that they will never fail again. And if they do, they will make sure no one's lives will be at stake when they fail. Dawn patiently awaits Bradley in Oreburgh city. There is no sign of him anywhere. Is he still coming?

Bradley: I can't believe it's been an entire year already... Boy have I improved... Haha. Dawn, I can't wait to see you again.

Cynthia: I'm so proud of the improvement you've made Bradley. I'm going to miss battling with you. Your journey will be wondrous.

Bradley: Thank you so much Cynthia... I will see you at the Pokemon league. I'll finally beat you then.

Cynthia: *giggle* It'll be fun to see you then.

Bradley: Staraptor, go! Fly me to Oreburgh city please.

Bradley starts flying from Mt. Coronet to Oreburgh city. Dawn notices the silhouette of a large bird in the sky carrying a trainer. As it lands, Dawn sees  a matured Bradley, epicly lifting up his head.

Dawn: Bradley! It's been so long!

Dawn hugs Bradley.

Dawn: I didn't know what happened to you... Where did you train? How have you been? There are so many questions I want to ask...

Bradley: Unfortunately we'll have to save them for later.

Flint, the fire trainer, arrives on his Rapidash. He hops off and smirks at Bradley.

Flint: Well well well. I see you're trying to leave quietly without any interruption. That won't happen. In case you still haven't figured it out, I'm Flint of the elite four. I'm way out of your league. Heheh. Way out of your POKEMON league.

Bradley: Okay that was actually funny.

Dawn: Bradley... Should we just run?

Bradley: No, I'm tired of running... Flint, I'll have you know I'm more than just in your league... I'm better than you!

Flint: Let's prove it! Rapidash, use flamethrower!

Bradley: Staraptor, whirlwind to send it right back! Then use brave bird!

Staraptor sends the flamethrower back and flies toward Rapidash to use brave bird. Rapidash disappeared after getting hit with the flames.

Flint: Ha! Rapidash hid in the smoke, after you used whirlwind! Now, use Megahorn!

Bradley: .....

Staraptor gets hit with a Megahorn and... Disappears? As a second Staraptor hits the Rapidash with brave bird, inflicting massive damage and fainting the Rapidash.

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