The Date | Strange Meeting

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Bradley wakes up in the wonderfully comfy room he shared with Dawn. He looks over at her bed and smiles.

Bradley: Today will be fun.

He gets into a nice suit and orders a table for two, so they can have a nice breakfast together. Shortly after, Dawn wakes up. She, too, gets dressed and heads downstairs to see a nicely-dressed Bradley waiting for her. Dawn giggles.

Dawn: You didn't have to dress so fancy. I'm not that special.

Bradley: Of course you're special. You're... Heh...

Bradley fumbles with his words, as there are many things he wants to say. He settles with an obvious and kind one.

Bradley: You look great. The dress looks good on you.

Dawn: Aww that's so sweet of you. You look nice too!

Bradley chuckles, and Dawn giggles.

Bradley: I ordered a table for two at the seven stars restaurant... The problem is, they only let you in of you can complete a double battle, so my "order" didn't really do much... Battling isn't very romantic, so I figured I should find a different restaurant.

Dawn: No, that's awesome! Double battling can show how close we are. And it'll make the meal ten times better, because we fought for it!

Bradley: Heh. That's what I was thinking! I just didn't know if you would feel the same.

Dawn: Of course I'm fine with that! I'm glad you're taking me on a date at all, let alone sharing a battle together.

Bradley: I suppose I misjudged you. You like battles more than I thought.

Dawn giggles

Dawn: Let's go, then!

Bradley: Yeah!!

They walk to the restaurant together, sharing small talk as well as a compliment here and there. As they walk into the "waiting room", they see a strong-looking trainer, battling two-on-one.

Bradley: He really wants food, huh? I suppose there's nothing wrong with fighting alone.

Dawn: Look at the pokemon...

The super cool trainer is standing confidently. He has a Bronzong and Alakazam against a Drifloon and Snorlax. The Drifloon is owned by the rich girl named Kylie. The Snorlax is owned by Roman, the restaurant's owner.

Roman: Snorlax, Mega Punch on the Alakazam!

Kylie: Ominous Wind, Drifloon!

Lucian: Alakazam, Psychic on them both. Bronzong, hit them with Gyro Ball.

Alakazam holds them both down with Psychic, and Bronzong finishes them off with Gyro Ball. The two trainer's congratulate Lucian and allow him inside, as they heal their pokemon.

Bradley: Wait, sir! I wanted to say that battle looked so coo-

He stops as Lucian turns around.

Bradley: You're... How could I not notice... You're Lucian of the elite four! It's nice to meet you!

Lucian: It's nice to meet you as well. I assume you are on a date, so I won't keep you. But, if you'd like to talk to me more, meet me in the restaurant. I can tell you're a strong battler.

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