Galactic Besiege

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Bradley: It's time to head in Dawn... Are you ready?

Dawn: Yes... I'm ready... Our Pokemon are healed and eager to fight.

Bradley: Heheh, yeah they are.

They walk inside, noticing the building is dark and dusky... There is an eerie feeling around...

Dawn: It's creepy in here... Bradley... Are you sure this is safe?

Bradley's hand holds on to Dawn's as he holds her close, stroking her back.

Bradley: It'll be okay... I've got you...

Dawn stays close to Bradley as she sees the silhouette of a man.

Dawn: I see someone!

Galactic Grunt: Go Beautifly and Dustox!

Dawn: Lopunny!

Bradley: Monferno!

Grunt: Dustox, use Psybeam! Beautifly use gust to send the psybeam everywhere!

Bradley: Monferno, Throw Lopunny up in the air, then use dig!

The two Pokemon dodge that power move due to Bradley's smart counter.

Dawn: Lopunny, Dizzy Punch!

Bradley: Monferno, flame wheel as you exit the ground.

Grunt: Dustox, Reflect! Beautifly, light screen!

Monferno and Lopunny hit their attacks, and cannot faint the grunt's fully evolved Pokemon due to the Reflect.

Bradley: Holy crap... This guy is strong for a grunt...

Dawn: Lopunny, Bounce!

Bradley: Monferno, Mach punch on the Dustox, and flamethrower on beautifly!

Grunt: Beautifly, morning sun! Dustox, moonlight!

The grunt's Pokemon heal, as Lopunny and Monferno hit with their physical moves. Monferno then blasts both of them to the wall with flamethrower. Dustox faints, but Beautifly still has some fight in it.

Bradley: Monferno, Mach punch!

Dawn: Lopunny, ice beam!

Lopunny hits monferno's fist, right as he was about to hit, making it an ice punch. Easily fainting Beautifly.

Grunt: Ugh... This isn't the end of me! I'll tell the commander what Pokemon you have!

Bradley: Pfft. Let's keep going.

Bradley and Dawn continue as they easily defeat the grunts, despite the fact they are stronger then before.

Bradley: We are finally at the top of the building... We will find Roark and save him.

Dawn: Yes!

Roark: What are you doing here...?

Bradley: Roark! We're here to save you and get your gym back.

Roark: I can do this myself... Mind your own business...

Bradley: Roark, stop joking. Come with us or I'll battle you until you come.

Roark: Then prepare to endlessly lose... Go Onix...

Bradley: Monferno, get ready.

Roark: Use rock throw...

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