When one door closes

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Bradley has done it... He has won the Pokemon league. Just as he said he would... But Now he moves on to the elite four. There is just one problem. Bradley has faced trainers with all sorts of unpredictable Pokemon. He has even defeated a girl that made a team specifically to counter Bradley's own team...

The Elite 4? They have a team of 5 Pokemon dedicated to a certain type. What makes them elite is their pokemon's gargantuan strength. You know who else has gargantuan strength, as well as clever strategies? Bradley. Surprisingly enough, Lucas put up much more of a fight than the elite four. Bradley was able to defeat the elite four all fairly easily...

Bradley: Ya know, Lucas... If you and I didn't have such powerful Pokemon, this would have been like any other Pokemon league. The winner loses to the elite four.

Lucas: Indeed. I'm still kinda mad that I lost to you, only to see you practically sweep the elite four. It means I'm totally capable of beating them too.

Bradley: Beat me next year and we'll talk.

They both chuckle.

They are currently at a restaurant reserved only for powerful Pokemon trainers. They share small talk, including a heartfelt apology from Bradley.

Lucas: Bradley, I'm serious. You don't need to apologize. We both promised to put our best into that fight. I even tried moxie sweeping you. But it didn't work. We both know you're just better. Apologizing makes me just feel worse.

Bradley: Ha. Of course. If anything, thank you. That fight has made me have to deal with fighting my own ally. And it helped me grow as a trainer.

Lucas: You're welcome. And I'm glad we could have this dinner before... Your battle against her.

Bradley: Heh... Yeah... I'm pretty nervous. I've only ever seen two of Cynthia's pokemon before... They are both extremely strong, and I'm fairly certain they are not a team based on one type.

Lucas: Of course not. It's not like a Champion would ever be so obvious as to only have a team of one type. Especially if they had 3 of the exact same Pokemon all 4 times weak to a specific type.

They both laugh.

Bradley: You didn't have to pay for the meal. I practically stole your lunch money after I won.

Lucas: Haha. I remember I did that once because some kid was bullying me.

Bradley: I let you steal my lunch money. Lucas, I've always been looking out for you. We are rivals that are practically even... But that doesn't mean you aren't my best friend.

Lucas: Shut up before I start actually caring about you...

They both smirk at each other.

Lucas: I'll see you later "strongest sinnoh trainer". You can beat Cynthia. I'm sure of it.

Bradley nods.

The next day, Bradley stands in the stadium, as an audience of enthused fans watch intensely. The battle of the year is about to begin.

Bradley: Hey, Cynthia... I made it.

Cynthia: So you have. After watching you toss aside my elite 4, I'm starting to be very scared.

Bradley: Don't forget, I've only seen 2 of your Pokemon before...

Cynthia: Now you've seen three. Spiritomb, Battle dance!

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