Canalave City

45 3 3

Bradley: Here we are! It's kinda sad Dawn stayed back at Jubilife... She wants to attend the Wallace cup... But I'm proud of her. Her final ribbon will be one she deserves. As for us, We are going to take this gym leader down!

Bradley's Pokemon cheer in approval. He walks into the gym and makes his way to the battlefield.

Bradley: Excuse me? I don't have an appointment, but I'm here anyways! I'd like to battle the steel gym leader. Byron, right?

Byron: Pfft. So you're the idiot that held our plans back.

Bradley: Ehm... I'm Sorry?

Byron: You may not know me, but you made a fool of my son. You will pay for that.

Bradley: I... I think you have the wrong person Mr. Byron... Wait... I forgot you are a father gym leader... And your son... He... He's Roark isn't he?

Byron: Yes. And I'm here to use my power to show you not to mess with my family, and especially not with team galactic.

Bradley: I want you to know you don't scare me. I actually beat your boss, Cyrus, a day or two ago. He wasn't a challenge at all!

Byron: Heh. You haven't faced him at full power you arrogant child.

Roark: Heh. My father will beat on you like I did a year ago!

Bradley And Byron: Shut up Roark!

Byron: It's time to battle!

Bradley: You're a steel type gym leader. Easy. Go Infernape!

Byron chuckles.

Byron: You won't be so confident when you see my Trump card... For now, though, I will test your strength. Come out Bastiodon.

Bradley: Use close combat!

Byron: Iron defense...

Infernape bombards Bastiodon with super effective blows. However, due to Bastiodon's large defense and using his powerful iron defense attack, he takes the blow wonderfully.

Bradley: Just as I thought... It did good damage, but special attacks would be preferred... Infernape, attack!

Byron: I know your trick. Using aura like you're all that... Bastiodon, protect!

Infernape used psychic to hold him in place, and flamethrower, hoping to end the battle quickly. Unfortunately, Bastiodon used protect. Byron now knows one of Bradley's strategies.

Bradley: Dammit... Gotta do something else then...

Byron: Light screen!

Bradley: Wow... You're pretty smart. I'm surprised team Galactic's leader wasn't that good... Oh well, I guess the strongest member of team galactic will fall as well. Infernape, go!

Byron: Hmm... Bastiodon, Iron head! Full power.

Bastiodon charges at Infernape. Infernape does the same. Infernape stops in place right before the blow. He uses protect around his hand to stop Bastiodon in its tracks. He then uses strength to throw Bastiodon into the air. He jumps into the air and uses blast burn to send Bastiodon straight into the ground. As the dust settles, Bastiodon is hanging on by a thread.

Byron: Impressive... Bastiodon, your time is up. Use Metal Sound... Now, return.

Bradley: But I didn't faint it.

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