Dawn's starter | Jubilife city

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(Edited 7/24/2018)

Hiya everyone! I hope you like this next part. Hopefully it's less boring than the last part, haha. Anyways I'm going to start this part now, I hope you all enjoy it.


Dawn and Bradley head to Professor Rowan's lab to get Dawn's first Pokémon. And when they finally arrive, Dawn looks at her three options for a first Pokémon partner. Chimchar, Turtwig, or Piplup.

Dawn: Hmm... Chimchar is cute... Turtwig is cute... Piplup is cute... Aww darn I wish I could have all three... This is such a hard decision...

Bradley: Well, it's all up to you. Any of the 3 choices have their ups and downs. Chimchar is a dependable and tough fire type that gains the fighting type if you evolve it. Turtwig becomes a strong and tough grass and ground Pokémon that can take many strong hits, dealing it back afterward. And piplup becomes an amazing water and steel type that doesn't have many weaknesses, and is resistant to many types of Pokémon.

Dawn: Oh wow... you've done your homework haven't you?

Bradley: Oh haha... I've always liked studying different types of pokemon...

Dawn: Well I want to be a coordinator...

Bradley: Oh you do? Well, I suppose my information won't help much.

Dawn: No no it's fine, really. You're certainly very smart and traveling with you could be fun! If you'd like to have me that is.

Bradley: I'd love to travel with you. It'd make my life more exciting. I'd let you follow your dreams of becoming a top coordinator and you can let me become a Pokémon master. How about it?

Dawn: Oh my gosh really? Yes, thank you so much!

Bradley: It's not a problem at all Dawn, but uh... Your future starter is waiting for you.

Dawn: Oh yeah... Hmm... Well I think I'll choose... Piplup!

Piplup stands proudly. Dawn giggles.

Dawn: You're so cute.

Rowan: Here are your pokeballs and your pokedex. And here is Piplup's pokeball. He is a very proud pokemon that likes to show off, so it's a good Pokémon for becoming a coordinator.

Dawn: Yay, thank you so much Professor!

Rowan: Not a problem at all. Now make sure you both stay safe on your Pokémon journey.

Bradley: That won't be a problem considering I have the coolest Pokémon ever.

Bradley nudges Heracross, as Heracross smirks. Piplup yells its cry and jumps at Heracross, hitting with a peck attack.

Dawn: Ack! Piplup stop!

Heracross uses leer so Piplup would stop attacking. Piplup stops out of fear. Dawn returns Piplup to his pokeball.

Dawn: Piplup return! Phew... I'm so so sorry Bradley and Heracross... I didn't want to cause you any trouble...

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