A day in the life

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A day in the life of Jesus? No, but close.


Our heroes wake up. An eventful day ahead of them. Eventful, however, is not the right term to use. It is an average day for our heroes... And yet, this is not Dawn and Bradley. But, rather, Zoey and Lucas! What journey awaits them in a typical day to day basis? Let's find out.

Lucas: Zoey... Not traveling and getting gym badges is pretty boring...

Zoey: Yeah... But, we have each other, so that's a positive.

Lucas: Ha. That is very true. Just like how Bradley has Dawn... Those two are cuties...

Zoey: They are. They aren't as confident about each other as we are... But I'm sure they'll come around someday. It took you half a year to work up the courage...

Lucas: Shut uuuuup... It'll probably take my man Bradley 2 years.

They both laugh.

Lucas: I don't even think they know about us... Back to Bradley though. He is a great guy, so it will be worth it for Dawn... Regardless how long it takes...

Zoey: Mhm...

They both stare into the sky... A wonderful plethora of clouds above them. It is a perfect ratio of cloud to sky, so there will not be rain, yet it's not just a full blue sky.

Lucas: We should spice up our day... I'm tired of laying around some days, and training non-stop the next day... I don't understand how Bradley and Dawn endured that for an entire year...

Zoey: Yeah, they sure are patient...

Lucas: We should... Make ou-

He gets elbowed playfully

Zoey: Keep dreaming sweetheart...

Lucas: Heh. How about we have a battle? I win, and I finally get a kiss.

Zoey: That's not fair at all... You're the more experienced battler...

Lucas: I could use just one pokemon... And you could use all six of yours.

Zoey: Hmm... And if I win... You have to tell Bradley to ask Dawn on a date.

Lucas: Heheh. Win-win scenario for me!

Zoey: Bet. You would wimp out the moment you look at them!

Lucas: Oh Yeah?

Zoey: Yeah!

Lucas: There's no way I'm losing this one! Come on out Pinsir!

Zoey: Monferno, curtain!

Lucas: There's no way you are going to win this... Pinsir is my starter, and I have a trick up My sleave... I haven't even had to use it yet! That's how good Pinsir is!

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