A close friend

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Hey guys, I did not have time to edit this so please excuse any mistakes. I apologize this was a late upload, and I will also be gone for the next 3 days, so don't freak out if you can't contact me. Regardless, here is a part before I go.


Announcer: Up soon is the long awaited final battle. Don't forget to buy some pokedolls. Want a Lucario just like Bradley? Buy a plush! All your favorite Pokemon that you've seen battle right outside our stadium.

Bradley chuckles and looks at Lucario's pokeball.

Bradley: You're becoming a mascot... But I think you deserve a break for this battle. I have something different in mind...

Bradley takes a deep breath as he goes to his spot of the stadium... As he arrives, he sees a pumped up crowd... And on the other side of the arena, he sees him. Lucas.

Lucas: Bradley, I'm so glad we got to meet in the finals... Thank you for being such a great friend and challenging rival... Regardless of who wins, no hard feelings.

Bradley: Couldn't have said it better myself. This will be the battle for the ages...

Announcer: Word has it that these two have been friends for most of their lives. And as they went on separate paths, they both converged to this point. But now is when one path will go its intended route... But that means the other will have so many more options. Never take a loss as time wasted... Use it as your chance to shine.

Lucas: He's talking about you Bradley.

Bradley chuckles.

Bradley: No way. Definitely you.

Announcer: The battle will now begin!

Lucas: Gyarados, it's time to fight!

Bradley: Lots of power? Drapion, show him what power really is. Toxic spikes!

Lucas: Hmm... Gyarados, return.

The audience converses to themselves.

Bradley: Hmm... You want a more favorable match-up?

Lucas: Nope. I want those toxic spikes to not ruin this battle. Go Crobat.

Crobat lands on the ground purposefully, making the toxic spikes dissipate.

Bradley: Good job Lucas... I don't want this battle to be too easy. Drapion, attack!

Lucas: Crobat, X-Scissor!

Crobat forms an X in front of its body as it starts swooping toward Drapion. The attack hits, but Drapion hits with a supereffective Thunder fang. Drapion assumes Crobat is trapped, only for it to start using Aerial ace in conjunction with double team. Drapion gets flustered and cannot focus.

Bradley: Drapion, calm down. Breathe, and find the real one.

Drapion calms down and ignores the repeated attacks hitting it. Once it realizes which Crobat is not the clone, he attacks with an ice fang. Once crobat is frozen, the battle is ended with a thunderfang.

Lucas: Ugh, no...

Announcer: Bradley seems to already have the advantage! One Pokemon down and another already revealed. What will happen next?

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