The search for her friend

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(Edited 5/18/2018)

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for being lazy, but I've also been a bit busy. I'm in high school so getting busy doesn't take much effort. Anyways, here ya go!


Dawn stares in awe of what just happened. She wonders why he just left with that stranger and why he said to stay away from him. After she starts grasping the situation at hand, her eyes tear up. Her new best friend is gone. But she refuses to accept that. She is going to go find him whether he wants her to or not.

Dawn: Why would he do that.... I thought we were friends.... Well I know he's good and I'm not going to avoid him no matter what.

Dawn looks down at the path that trainer's Rapidash had left. There was a trail of hoof prints, and the fact that they're slightly scorched would help her track Bradley even better.

She follows said path until she encounters a trainer that refuses to let her pass without a fight. So Dawn begrudgingly accepts.

Dawn: Piplup go!

Trainer: Shellos go!

Dawn: Piplup, Peck!

Trainer: Shellos, use mud bomb!

Dawn: Piplup, use pound to knock it back at Shellos and hit with your Peck!

Piplup successfully reflects the mud bomb, sending it flying back at Shellos, making it easy pickings for Piplup's peck to finish it off.

Trainer: *sigh* Well, you won fair and squa- oh my pokegod...

Dawn: P-Piplup?

A powerful aura radiates from Piplup as his white figure grows much larger and and much stronger looking.

Prinplup: Prin... Plup!!

Dawn: Oh my gosh... Piplup evolved! Yay!

Trainer: Congratulations! I hope this means you have good luck in your travels. And thanks for the battle.

Dawn: I should be thanking you.

They part ways as Dawn resumes her quest to search for her best friend. That is, until, she realizes the trail stops in the middle of the Eterna Forest. She looks around in worry as she sees bug and even ghost Pokemon crawl or float around. She starts to shake until she feels a strange heat, and a trainer with a ponyta next to her.

Dawn: Oh my... Thank you... It's very cold and dark here...

???: *nods* Yes, indeed it is... I see you're following the footprints of the trainer with the Rapidash... Is that correct?

Dawn: Y-yes it is... Do you know him? Or where he could be?

???: Yes... Indeed I do... He is in the Eterna gym as we speak... He intends on finding some way to take over the gym... And a Rapidash against a grass type gym is not a favorable matchup for Gardenia... Or, at least, it wouldn't be if I already had my own plan

She pulls back her hood to reveal Gardenia in darker greens than she would normally be seen in.

Dawn: Wait... You're Gardenia?! The sinnoh regions grass type specialist?!

Gardenia: Yes, I am... But, I must ask you for any form of help... My Gym is to be ambushed in about an hour... I should fair okay against him, but any help you could give is appreciated... That trainer already got to Oreburgh city... Roark hardly stood a chance...

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