The valley windworks | The mysterious trainer

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HI EVERYONE!!!! I have this part now! Im sorry I took so friggin long... But I'm psyched for it! Anyways, here it is, don't wanna ramble too long.


Bradley puts the key into the lock and turns it, opening the door to the windworks. The grunt from in front of the door is surprised and runs off to alert the commander.

Bradley: Commander.... I wonder who that could be....

Dawn: This place is creepy... It has a weird vibe to it.

Bradley: Well I'm taking out that weird vibe!

First Grunt: Cascoon Go!

Bradley: Heracross Go!

First Grunt: Use poison sting!

Bradley: Block it then use horn attack!

Heracross attempts to block it, only to get it stuck in his skin, poisoning him. He takes out the poison sting and refuses to back away. His ability activates, Guts.

Bradley: Yes! Guts doubles his attack when he has a status condition, like poison. Heracross hit him with your horn attack!

First Grunt: Harden!

Cascoon hardens and gets hit by the horn attack, barely surviving the powerful blow. And it starts glowing.

First Grunt: YES! He's evolving!

Bradley: ..... Crap......

First Grunt: Dustox, use psybeam!

Bradley: Heracross dodge and use aerial ace!

Heracross dodges and faints the dustox, however the poison did a number in Heracross so Bradley puts him away for the moment.

Dawn: You sure you don't want me to help? I can battle too ya know.

Bradley: It's fine Dawn, I can handle this.

Second Grunt: Hey you! You can't be in here, go wurmple!

Bradley: Go golbat!

Second Grunt: Wurmple, string shot and then use the string to slam it on the ground!

Bradley: Golbat, wing attack!

Golbat gets caught in the string shot and his speed is lowered. The Wurmple slams it on the ground with the string. Goldbat hasn't fainted yet, however, and uses wing attack to escape and faint the Wurmple.

Second Grunt: Glameow go! Use scratch

Bradley: Goldbat use poison fang!

The Glameow gets hit after it uses scratch, making it faint.

Bradley: Jeez.... None of my Pokémon have fainted but these grunts are stronger than usual.... Return Golbat. You did good, please rest in case I need you for the next battle.

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