Unexpected Strength

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Bradley walks out of the stadium, pleasantly surprised about the battle he just completed... The battle against Ash? No way. He's surprised about the quarterfinal battle. A battle against some Chick. Her name is Alicia, and she was extremely well prepared for Bradley.

Dawn: How did that girl catch you off guard?

Bradley: Ehm... I was distracted?

Dawn: She wasn't THAT cute.

Bradley: No No! It was something much simpler. She... Had a team of entirely females... All to counter my specific team... And they all knew attract...

Dawn: You're telling me... You didn't expect to face someone using attract, even though all 7 of your Pokemon are Males?

Bradley: Heh... Yeah...

Dawn sighs.

Dawn: I guess I have the brains in this relationship... You're obviously the looks.

Bradley: No wayyy You're hotter than I am.

Dawn: You calling me stupid?

Bradley laughs, as Dawn smirks.

Bradley: I'm glad I'm not battling you at this Pokemon league. You're already beating me.

Dawn: Of course I would win. Now, get to sleep, dummy. You need rest to win your last two battles tomorrow.

Bradley: Of course!

Bradley and Dawn get a good night's rest. Later the next day, Bradley goes to the main stadium, awaiting his challenge against the mysterious Tobias. The only other real threat of a trainer. And yet, Bradley can't help but recognize Tobias... But from where?

Tobias: Hello, Bradley. I have been waiting for this challenge. You're my only real threat at this league. So prepare for the strongest battle you'll ever face.

Bradley: I can't wait to fight you either, but my hardest fight will be Lucas, and then Cynthia.

Announcer: The semifinal battle at Lily of the Valley island is about to be waged on a dirt battlefield. In the red corner: Bradley. In the blue: Tobias. The trainers will now send out their first Pokemon.

Tobias sends out the legendary Pokemon Darkrai.

Announcer: And Tobias is starting with his Darkrai!

Bradley: Oh no... This is not good at all... Wait. You're the guy that captured Darkrai! I also saw you at Full moon island!

Tobias: Yes you did. So prepare for my team.

Bradley: Well... This will be difficult, that's for sure. Go Lucario!

Tobias: Dark void.

Bradley: Dodge it! And attack!

Lucario attempts to dodge. The void chases after Lucario... Lucario gets the smart idea to throw the dark void at Darkrai. Darkrai is now asleep? Lucario uses Aura sphere, hitting Darkrai dead on.

Bradley: Ha... Haha! Yes! Lucario, go!!

Lucario hits Darkrai with a force palm. Right as it hits, Darkrai hits Lucario with a powerful Ice beam.

Announcer: Darkrai is down!!!

The audience starts talking.

Announcer: Folks... I cannot believe it. This is the first time Tobias' Darkrai has been defeated. And Bradley has not lost a single Pokemon.

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