It's time to train

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Where we left off, our heroes were unconscious. In new locations. Ready to train for their future. Bradley awakes inside a hut. He looks out a window and sees rocks, mountains and a valley below his current location.

His confusion only increases when he sees a Garchomp with a woman, walking toward the hut he is in. He sits down on the couch, assuming the woman brought him inside. She is, likely, friendly. The door opens.

???: Hello. It is nice to meet you, trainer. What is your name?

Bradley: I'm Bradley.

???: What a nice name... I'm Cynthia.

Bradley: You're... You're THE Cynthia?! The Sinnoh league champion?!

Cynthia: Yup. That's me. Just training... Since the Pokemon league is over, I didn't get to fight the winner. But, I sense the ones we will have in the next 2 or 3 years will be very important... And game-changing...

Bradley: Wow... Wait, so why am I here?

Cynthia: You were unconscious right outside my hut... It was getting dark so I brought you in and made you some tea... It's not as warm as it first was, but it's still above room temperature... Garchomp has been regularly heating it.

Bradley: Thank you... I... Cynthia I need to ask a favor of you... And I can explain why...

Cynthia: Of course.

Bradley: I... I promised my best friend that I would train. I told her we need to spend the next year training. And training non-stop. The reason for that is because I almost lost her... We got defeated by team galactic and they kidnapped us. I risked my life to save our Pokemon and her... Thank Arceus we escaped... And I told her to run. We will meet up a year from today in Oreburgh city. So I was wondering... Could you please train me? I don't want her to ever be in danger again. I almost lost her. I never want that to happen again, so... Would you please consider taking me under your wing? Even just for a week?

Cynthia: Hm... It's obvious you're passionate about this... And your reason is more than noble... And I see so much potential inside of you... Not to mention I already want to train you... It's settled. I will help you in your time of need. I'll show you the best ways to train and I expect to see massive improvement. I can tell you will grow so much...

Bradley: Really? Are you serious?!

Cynthia: More than serious.

Bradley: Thank you. Thank you so much. Where should we start?

Cynthia: Battle me. Battle my Garchomp and use your full strength. As for your Pokemon, I wouldn't worry about them. I have healing remedies that work faster and more efficiently than Pokemon centers. They're much healthier, too.

Bradley: I... Battle you? Seriously?

Cynthia: Yes, seriously. Come now, Garchomp is excited.

Bradley: Yes ma'am.

Cynthia: Just call me Cynthia.

Bradley: Oh yeah, haha. Let's start.

Cynthia: Yes. Garchomp, battle dance.

Bradley: This is going to be my biggest challenge. I have to be more then serious... Go Elekid!

Cynthia: An electric type? I wonder what you're planning... Garchomp, Giga Impact!

Bradley: Are you serious?! Uhh... Elekid, reflect!

Elekid uses reflect to halve the damage done to him. Garchomp's power easily defeats Elekid.

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