Jubilife contest | Oreburgh city

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(Edited 5/18/2018)

Yay another part lol. I don't care how little people read this because I have fun writing this. Plus, maybe someone will actually enjoy this story lol. Also, if you haven't seen any of the contests during Ash's sinnoh Journey than I recommend you watch at least one so you know what the hell is happening. Anyways onto this part!


Bradley: Wow, excellent job practicing Dawn! You're ready for your first contest, I'm sure of it.

Dawn: You really think so? Thanks so much Bradley.

Bradley: You really did great Dawn, there's no need to thank me.

Dawn: *giggle* If you say so. Should we head to the contest?

Bradley: Yes, of course!

They head to the contest hall. Dawn gets registered for her future contests and gets a ribbon case with ball capsules. She puts bubble seals on Piplup's ball capsule and flower seals on Buneary's. She gets into a cute pink dress and heads backstage while Bradley gets a front row seat.

Dawn: My first contest... I'm so nervous...

Piplup: Pip!!

Dawn: Huh? Oh sorry Piplup... I really should be more confident...

???: If you're not confident than what will your Pokémon feel?

Dawn: Huh? Well... I guess they wouldn't feel confident either...

???: The trainer needs to have the confidence before the Pokémon even have the will to perform.

Dawn: Yeah, you're right! What's your name?

Zoey: Name's Zoey. How bout yours?

Dawn: I'm Dawn! This is my first contest ever....

Zoey: Well this is my third one, and I already have 1 ribbon out of 5.

Dawn: wow you're incredible! I wish I had a head start...

Zoey: You don't need a head start to gain ribbons and get to the grand festival Dawn. Trust me when I say that if you're confident and make sure your Pokémon are the real stars, than you'll do excellent. And even if you lose, make sure you and your Pokémon know that you did a good job regardless of the outcome.

Dawn: That's all so true! Thanks so much for the advice Zoey! And I'll see you in the finals!

Zoey: Don't get too confident and don't get your hopes up, or you'll only be disappointed in the end.

Dawn: Right! And good luck.

Zoey: You too.

???: Zoey to the stage please!

Zoey: That's my cue... I'll see you on the flip side Dawn.

Dawn: Okay.

Zoey heads up on stage while Dawn watches intrigued.

Zoey: Glameow, Curtain!

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