The Ruins | Sweet Moments

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Two parts in one day? It was one day for me. Yeah, I know. I was extra bored today.


Solaceon Town

Grunt: Houndour, flamethrower!

Bradley: Now, Riolu!

Dawn: Get him, Bradley!!

Riolu jumps into the air, dodging the flamethrower, as he throws a focus blast at Houndour.

Grunt: Ugh... I made a scene... Master Cyrus won't be pleased... But he won't be afraid to beat some sense into you!

Bradley: Bring him on! I've faced much worse than he can bring!

Dawn: Good job, Bradley! The Elder has her artifact and the ruins are saved! What a great way to start the day!

Bradley: Well, battling those idiots has it's quirks... A free win! My streak hasn't broken since we got back from training.

Dawn: An entire month of just winning? Wow. You really are amazing.

Bradley: Hey, Don't give me too much credit. You totally entranced the audience at your contest last night.

Dawn: Yeah. I have 4 out of 5 ribbons now! I'm so close!

Bradley: You've done great! Now... Since we saved the ruins, maybe we should check them out!

Dawn: Of course!

They journey through the ruins, looking at a mural of 3 Pokemon, surrounding something in the center of them.

Elder: You know... Most of the people here believe this represents the three lake guardians, keeping the legendary Pokemon Dialga or Palkia in check... With all 3 of them together, they can nullify the powers of Dialga or Palkia. Assuming only one of them is around... However, I get the strangest feeling it represents something bigger... I think it represents-

Bradley: Dialga Palkia and Giratina... Surrounding the god of all Pokemon Arceus...

Cyrus: So you're saying the lake guardians can only keep one of the two legendary Pokemon at bay? Interesting...

Elder: And who might you be?

Bradley: Dawn, stay behind me...

Cyrus: What? Are you afraid I'm going to hurt your little girlfriend? I'm not here to waste my time on weaklings. I have a plan I intend on going through with.

Bradley: It's a plan I'll stop immediately... Why are you here? I would expect the leader of team Galactic to be assaulting trainers or taking control of some facility.

Cyrus: You incompetent fool... You have no comprehension of what I intend to do... And since you're getting on my nerves, I'm going to take you out. Sneasel, prepare yourself.

Bradley: A Sneasel... You actually have one... Infernape, it's been a while! Come on out!

Dawn: Bradley... Please be careful...

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