A Backfired Plan

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Bradley and Dawn awaken. They get prepared early and head to the front of the gym, meeting up with Roark. They get their pokeballs ready and prepare to charge in.

Roark: Don't underestimate these grunts...

Bradley: Got it... Now, ready... Go!

They barge into the gym, getting spotted by grunts. These unknown grunts send out their Pokemon, mostly poison types, to fight Dawn and Bradley.

Bradley: Monferno, Go!

Dawn: Pachirisu, you too!

Grunt 1: Croagunk, poison jab!

Grunt 2: Stunky, poison gas!

Dawn: Pachirisu, discharge!

Bradley: Monferno, protect!

Pachirisu's discharge destroys the poison gas and shocks both of the grunts' pokemon. Monferno ends the battle with a flamethrower.

Grunt 1: Ugh...

Grunt 2: Whatever...

Roark: Alright kids, it's been fun but it's my time to stop you.

Bradley: I... Roark I don't understand. Is this supposed to be a joke?

Dawn: What do you mean?

Roark: This was all a trap to stop you. You are growing to be too big of a threat to team galactic. So I'm here to stop you.

Bradley: You lied... You pretended to ask team galactic for help... But you've been working with them the whole time... But that would also mean... The mysterious fire trainer... Flint... He works with Team Galactic as well... This isn't good...

Dawn: So his name is Flint... Thats not importsnt! Its obvious he isn't going to help so it's time to fight, Bradley.

Roark: Rhyhorn, go!

Grunt: Gastly, go!

Bradley: Monferno and Pachirisu are all warmed up. You ready Dawn?

Dawn: Mhm... Pachirisu, spark on Gastly!

Bradley: Monferno, Mach punch on Rhyhorn!

Monferno hits a powerful mach punch that doesn't do enough damage to faint the Rhyhorn. Pachirisu deals a decent amount of damage on the Gastly, ticking it off.

Roark: Rhyhorn... Horn drill.

Grunt: Gastly, shadow ball.

Bradley: Your Rhyhorn can use Horn drill?! Monferno, protect!!

Dawn: Pachirisu, thundershock the shadow ball!

Monferno's protect is just barely broken, weakening the Horn Drill so it is not a one hit KO. Pachirisu makes the shadow ball erupt into beautiful shocks over the battlefield.

Bradley: Mach punch!!

Dawn: Spark!

The weakened Rhyhorn and Gastly faint from this hit.

Roark: Pfft. That was pathetic. Enough playing around. Go Rampardos.

Grunt: Haunter.

Bradley: Monferno, combine mach punch with fire punch on that Rampardos! Go!

Dawn: Pachirisu, Spark and Discharge on the Haunter!

Roark: Rampardos, head smash!

Grunt: Haunter, Shadow claw!

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