Operation Arc

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Bradley stands, looking toward the top of Mt. Coronet... Before he goes anywhere near the mountain, he quickly grabs Dialga from Byron, thanking him. Byron smiles, glad to help. Bradley and Dawn part from professor Rowan, as they start to head toward the top of Mt. Coronet. Along the way, they spot a group of Galactic grunts dressed a bit cooler than the grunts normally are...

Bradley: Hey! You seem important for a Galactic grunt... What's so special about you?

???: ... My name is Mercury... I'm the newest team galactic commander...

Bradley: Wow... That's really lame.

Mercury: Like you're one to talk. Mr. I still have 2 Pokemon that can evolve.

Bradley: ... How did you know that?

Mercury: Team Galactic isn't retarded. We keep a record of our biggest threats. We even have record of your Sneasel thanks to Jupiter's distraction.

Dawn: You have a Sneasel?!

Bradley: Unimportant right now. Go Electabuzz!

Mercury: Go Magmar. Use fire blast.

Bradley: Counter the attack!

Electabuzz uses thunder to stop fire blast in its tracks. Afterwards, he runs at Magmar to attempt a thunderpunch. Magmar copies with a fire punch. They are even.

Bradley: Urgh... They're even...

Mercury: They're actually not.

Bradley: What do you mean?!

Mercury throws a red cube at Magmar. The magmarizer. Magmar starts to glow and increase in size.

Bradley: Not good... Get out of there!

Electabuzz uses low kick to distract the larger Pokemon, giving Electabuzz the chance to flee. Magmar is now a Magmortar.

Bradley: Ugh... Electabuzz, we have to find a new approach... Be creative...

Suddenly, Magmortar appears behind Electabuzz, about to strike with a fire punch. Electabuzz uses flash out of instinct. Once Magmortar can see again, it seems Electabuzz just stayed in place, rather than try to find a new place to hide. Magmortar takes the opening to strike. The fire punch makes Electabuzz disappear.

Mercury: A substitute!

Bradley: Now!

Electabuzz, from behind, uses a low kick and dynamicpunch combo. Magmortar is confused and about to faint.

Mercury: Huh... Return.

Bradley: Not afraid to admit you lost that battle?

Mercury: You won the battle, not the war. Go Drapion. Use fling.

Bradley: Fling?

Drapion flings a toxic orb onto Electabuzz, dealing a fair amount of damage, as well as badly poisoning him.

Bradley: I'm so dumb! We should have just dodged that, not get curious... Electabuzz, Thunder!

Mercury: Toxic Spikes.

Drapion sets up toxic spikes and gets struck by one last thunder. Both Pokemon faint.

Mercury: Your Pokemon are incredibly strong... I praise you for that. But the outcome of this battle has been set in stone. Go Palkia.

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