Hearthome's gym

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I do not own that art. It was done by this person: https://13utena.deviantart.com/ so props to them.


Bradley and Dawn prepared for the gym battle that morning. Dawn promised she would try one as well. So once they arrive, they see an excited Fantina.

Fantina: I saw you both at the contest last night! You both did so amazing! Who will I be fighting today?

Bradley: Both of us! You see, I tried contests for once to see what Dawn goes through. So, Dawn will do the same with you. Since you're the boss here, you may choose who to battle first.

Fantina: Hmm... I think I want to battle... Dawn first.

Dawn: Oh! Umm... Alright!

Fantina: How many Pokemon? Would 4 do?

Dawn: Absolutely!

Bradley: Hey Dawn, since you practiced contests this past year, not normal battling, make sure you stay on your toes. Fantina is a gym leader for a reason.

Dawn: Of course.

Fantina: Go, Drifblim!

Dawn: Hm... Come on out Pachirisu! Use discharge!

Fantina: Will-o-wisp, but spin when you use it!

Fantina's spinning will-o-wisp burns Pachirisu, as well as deflects it's attack.

Dawn: Urgh... Use Spark!

Fantina: Shadow Ball on the ground!

Drifblim's shadow ball blows up in front of Pachirisu, sending it flying.

Dawn: No... Pachirisu return... That's one down... Lopunny, spotlight! Use Ice beam!

Fantina: Ominous wind!

The wind sends ice beam right back at Lopunny, freezing it. Drifblim easily faints Lopunny by picking her up and dropping her, as the ice breaks.

Dawn: Oh dear... Return... Empoleon!

Fantina: Use shadow ball and shock wave!

Dawn: Metal claw and Blizzard!

The shadow ball and shock wave combine, sending a ball of ghostly electricity spiraling at Empoleon. He knocks it back with a metal claw that also uses Blizzard. This combination attacks makes drifblim faint, the aftermath effect inflicting damage on Empoleon.

Dawn: I did it!

Bradley: Dawn... You have 3 more to go...

Dawn: Oh yeah...

Fantina: Haunter, help me out here! Shadow claw!

Dawn: Metal claw!

The two claw attacks collide. However, they are still free to use attacks from their mouths, so it's first come first serve.

Dawn: Hydro Cannon!

Fantina: dark pulse on the hydro cannon! And then escape from there!

Haunter explodes the hydro cannon and escapes.

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