A New Friend | Strange Encounter

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As Dawn and Bradley head toward Pastoria city, Bradley realizes his team will need to increase in size eventually. However, Bradley won't just add any Pokemon to his team. They have to have the right skills. The right attitude. With that in mind, what will take place on this day?

Bradley: Now that we are here, we can settle down. Or we could make today action packed!

Dawn: Either way is fine by me!

Galactic Grunt: Now that is was planted, I can get the hell out of here...

Bradley: Ugh... And here I thought I wouldn't have to see one of you morons again.

Grunt: Oh, for god's sake, it's you again... You were the one that beat me...

Bradley: Um... I know you?

Grunt: Yeah! It's me? The one with the Zubat?

Bradley: I'm gonna be honest, you're not important to me, so you don't seem any different than all the other grunts I've faced...

Grunt: You know what, it doesn't matter. I'm leaving anyways...

Bradley: Oh no you do-

A small Pokemon jumps onto the grunt and starts ferociously attacking him.

Grunt: Get out of here, you pest. Your home will be gone soon anyways, so don't get mad at me.

Bradley: Is that? A Skorupi? Wait... Don't those things turn into Drapion? Oh hell Yeah! Go pokeball!

The Skorupi goes inside the ball, and the grunt attempts to flee.

Bradley: Oh no you don't! Skorupi, Show him what for! Use bug bite!

Skorupi bites the grunt in the leg, keeping him from running. The Grunt kicks him away and prepares for battle.

Grunt: You're so annoying... Thankfully, I have way stronger Pokemon. A full team, in fact.

Bradley: And I don't care! Skorupi, get ready to battle!

The Skorupi stares intensely... Its size makes it incredibly underwhelming. The Grunt sends out his Pokemon. After the battle, the Grunt stares speechless.

Grunt: But... I have one of the best teams a grunt could ask for... And you used some pre-evolved trash you just caught, and swept my team!! You're such an asshole, you know that? It doesn't matter... I'm leaving anyways... The plan was set into motion. Say goodbye to the great marsh.

The Grunt starts walking away, as a large explosion is heard from the Great Marsh. The great marsh is the sinnoh region's Safari Zone. And after the explosion finishes, many trainers run out. The gym leader, Crasher Wake, runs into the Safari Zone. Bradley and Dawn follow behind. There is not much damage, but enough to make the gym leader angry. Bradley is told to chase after the grunt, as Wake cleans, and Dawn keeps watch.

Bradley: Where are you, you bastard?!

Grunt: Oh, come on! You beat my Pokemon, what more do you want from me?

Bradley: I'm gonna kick your ass! You could have hurt so many Pokemon and trainers!

Grunt: Yeah, and why should I care?

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