What do we do next?

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A full week has passed since Bradley foiled operation Arc... Within that week, he has successfully obtained his eighth gym badge... He is now able to qualify for the Pokemon league... However, it takes place in 6 months...

Bradley: Hmm...

Dawn: What's wrong, Bradley?

Bradley: I only just realized I've made it this far... I have to wait another 6 months until I can actually challenge the league... And I'm kinda scared...

Dawn: Scared? You? That's not a pleasant thought... Why are you scared? You know you're an amazing trainer. You beat the god of pokemon...

Bradley: I know that... But you have to think about it. This league, which only takes place once each year, is home to the most powerful trainers in the Sinnoh region... They have all caught some of the strongest Pokemon, and obtained 8 badges... This isn't just some team galactic battle... This is an all out war... If I fail... I disappoint myself and my Pokemon...

Dawn: Bradley... Ever since you got back from training, you haven't lost a single battle... And you know that.

Bradley: Heh... Yeah, I'm confident, but I'm still just a little nervous... But I'm excited for your grand festival! I know you can win. You will be a top coordinator.

Dawn: Hm. I will do my best... I have a lot of people I'm going to have to try to beat... Like Zoey...

They both arrive at their home. It is a home on iron island. This is where they will be staying for the next 6 months.

Bradley: Here we Are!

Dawn: This seems like a great place to train... A nice area out front for arena battles, or contest practice... And inside the cave is some powerful steel pokemon...

Bradley: This means I'll have to always be on high alert... You never know when a steelix or a Bronzong might show up...

Dawn: This house is really cozy too... Will we really get to share this for 6 months?

Bradley: Yup. But once we leave for your festival, we won't be coming back... Unless we fail...

Dawn: You? Fail at battling? I doubt that.

Bradley: And you'll blow away the judges. You have nothing to worry about... But I feel like I'll be impatient for the next 6 months...

Dawn: I'm sure you'll be fine.

But will Bradley really be fine? We are already trying to stall for time... What should this chapter be about? Well, thankfully Iron Island is near a one chapter plot point. See what happens soon.

A couple hours of settling into the house, and Bradley remembers something.

Bradley: Hey Dawn, I need to pick something up from Canalave city. But I wanna let my Pokemon stay back and get accustomed too.

Dawn: Alrighty.

Lucario follows Bradley... There is a look of concern on his face...

Bradley: Lucario? You wanna come? Alright. I'll feel safer with you, bud.

They get on the boat and start to head back to Canalave city. However, a very large storm suddenly strikes and sends the boat far away from iron island...

When Bradley wakes up, he is on a very gloomy island... He walks around until he finds a clearing toward the island's center. There, he sees the legendary Pokemon Darkrai...

Bradley: Where... Where am I?

Darkrai: .....

Bradley: Why are you here?

Darkrai: .....

Bradley: You... You don't seem as evil as the legends make you out to be... You're just a Pokemon that is cursed... Cursed with the ability to ruin the dreams of humans and Pokemon alike... So you cast yourself away on this island...

Darkrai nods. Afterwards, it increases in size and tries to attack Bradley.

Bradley: No-

He wakes up.

Bradley: What? What happened?! It was a nightmare?

Lucario stands on guard in front of Bradley. He turns around to see Bradley is okay. It seems they are still on the island... But it has a lack of darkness... They go back to the clearing to see Darkrai is gone... And there are fresh footprints on the island... Did someone catch Darkrai?

Bradley: Well... I guess it's time to head back...

As the boat starts to head back, Bradley sees another island in the distance... And there, he sees a trainer in dark clothes disappear...

Bradley: That can't be good...

A couple hours later, he returns from the errands.

Dawn: You took longer than I thought. I was kinda getting worried...

Bradley: I'm fine. Just a small storm that brought me to another island near here... But I don't have a scratch, and I went on the errands.

Dawn: I'm glad you're safe!

Bradley: Of course I'm safe.

They both finish settling down and head to bed... And now starts 6 months of training. Will they be prepared for the league and the grand festival? Find out next time.


I know this was a very short and probably boring part. But there wasn't much I could do. Just some foreshadowing, and explaining that there will be a 6 month time skip. And that's when the Pokemon league starts!!! If you want to have a trainer to represent you, pm me a team while you still have the chance. 3 or 6 Pokemon on a team, please! Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and share this story.



???: Hm... That trainer... The one I saw on the island... I sense a great strength in him... We will face each other at the Pokemon league. I'm sure of it...

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