Come back... Please...

93 3 4

(Edited 5/18/2018)

As Dawn looked upon the broken face of her best friend, she realized they are going to have to fight... And that Bradley won't hold back.

Dawn: Bradley please... You don't have to do this...

Bradley: Dawn I told you to stay away from me! I can't be your friend anymore! All I'll do is hurt you! Thanks to my fucking boss!

???: Stop fighting with your girlfriend, she's standing in our way, so Move her or I move you.

Bradley: Moneferno, let's go...

Dawn: It's time... Pachirisu, Go!

Bradley: Ladies first....

Dawn: Pachirisu, use Discharge!

Monferno effortlessly dodges the move.

Bradley: Flamethrower.

Monferno blasts Pachirisu into the wall of the gym, fainting it easily.

Dawn: Pachirisu! Bradley... Why are you doing this?

Bradley: Send out your next Pokemon...

Dawn: Buneary, spotlight! Use Ice beam!

Bradley: Monferno, block it.

Monferno attempts to block the attack, only to underestimate the strength of Buneary's ice beam, freezing Monferno.

Bradley: What the-

Dawn: Dizzy punch!

Monferno gets punched into the wall, the crushing ice badly damaging him. Buneary starts to glow. She is evolving.

Bradley: Goddammit...

Dawn: Yay! We can win this! Lopunny, use bounce, and land using dizzy punch on his Monferno!

Bradley: Monferno, just end this already...

Monferno jumps up where lopunny is, dodging the dizzy punch, and throwing Lopunny to the ground, making her faint.

Dawn: No! I... Prinplup, Go! Use Water gun!

Bradley: Protect, then use flamethrower!

Monferno is unaffected due to his protect, and he sends a blaze powered Flamethrower at Prinplup.

Dawn: Prinplup, use Metal claw to send it right back!

Bradley: Fuck! Monferno jump up and send down a charged flame wheel!

The flamethrower misses due to Monferno's jump, and Monferno hits Prinplup with an aerial flame wheel attack, sending Prinplup flying.

Dawn: Prinplup! You're okay? Good... We can't lose this...

Bradley slowly walks over to her, as he prepares to send the finishing blow, a few tears trickling down his face.

Bradley: M-monferno... Use... use... I... I can't do this!

Bradley falls to his knees crying into his hands, Dawn tearing up as well, seeing the torment her friend is going through.

???: Oh for fuck's sake, I'll finish her, Rapidash, Fire blast!

The fire blast finishes Prinplup off, sending him and Dawn flying away, as they lay on the ground.

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