A Battle For 3 | Romance for 2

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Another wonderful day in the Pokemon world... Bradley, after sleeping wonderfully, wakes up, prepared for another day of Pokemon battles. He goes with Dawn to the gym, as his team gets prepared.

Dawn: Are you ready for today?

Bradley: Yeah! It's going to be intense!! I'm feeling strong!

Dawn giggles

Dawn: You never fail to be pumped up for a battle.

Bradley: Because I have so much fun doing them... My Pokemon also share that same pleasure with me, so it makes it all the better!

They arrive in the gym to see the fighting gym leader, Maylene, talking to Pastoria city's water gym leader: Crasher Wake.

Bradley: Two gym leaders in one place?! That will make it all the easier to win more badges! Hey! I challenge you both to gym battles at once! A two against one!

Wake laughs Loudly as Maylene stares.

Bradley: I'm being serious. I want to get two badges at once and I know I can win. I would never be confident unless I can back it up.

Wake: I love your spunk, kid. It's up to Maylene. I would enjoy a battle with you. But if she wants otherwise, take it up with her.

Maylene: It's different than a one on one... I like to make a change every so often! Let's do it.

Bradley: Yes! I have a total of four Pokemon, so you may use two each.

Wake: Fair enough. I have my two Pokemon chosen.

Maylene: Mine as well.

Bradley: Then let's get this show on the road! Come on out, Electabuzz and Staraptor!

Wake: Gyarados.

Maylene: Medicham.

Dawn: Wow... Bradley has a lot of confidence in himself and his pokemon...

Bradley: Electabuzz, agility! Staraptor, follow his lead!

Wake: Gyarados, hit them with a surf!

Maylene: Medicham, protect so you can block against surf.

Electabuzz and Staraptor start to speed around the room, As Gyarados attempts to hit them with a powerful surf attack.

Bradley: Electabuzz, thunder in the water! Staraptor, hit medicham with brave bird after thunder goes through!

The thunder attack goes through the water, shocking Gyarados, and canceling Medicham's protect out. Gyarados faints from a super effective electric attack, and Medicham faints from staraptor's powerful brave bird.

Bradley: Haha! Two down, two to go. My Pokemon are untouched so far, so I need to use this to my advantage.

Maylene: Hmm... Interesting... Lucario, get ready.

Wake: Floatzel, wrestle time! Use aqua jet on the staraptor!

Bradley: Electabuzz, block that with a thunderpunch!

Maylene: Lucario, you know what to do...

Floatzel jets toward the airborne staraptor, as does Electabuzz, to block the attack. However, Electabuzz is intercepted by a quick Lucario, that sets it's palm onto electabuzz's chest, using a powerful force palm attack. Electabuzz is sent flying, as staraptor unsuccessfully attempts to use close combat on floatzel.

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