Where are we now? [A/N]

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Okay, sorry if this is misleading but this isn't a part of the story. This is an update about what the characters are doing, what Pokemon they have, etc. And even a few questions.

Where we are now:





Now, I know what you're thinking. "You can't just add a Pokemon to Bradley's team without saying". Well, if you look at the Bradley vs Gardenia match, I foreshadowed this secret Pokemon. He chooses to pretend he doesn't have it because it reminds him of why he caught it. Because the mysterious fire trainer forced him to.

Their current location:

Bradley and Dawn: Oreburgh city

Lucas and Zoey: Mt. Coronet, on their way to Hearthome city.


Should I try changing the way I write this story? So it's spoken from the third person perspective, and I use "" for speaking? Or should I keep it as is so it's not as repetitive with me saying "he said" or "she said" a lot?

Any requests?

Do you have any questions about this story or anything you'd like to request for me? I'll try to respond as soon as possible. I'm really bored because of finals...

Final note

On May 18th 2018, I edited all the previous parts. So the words should flow a bit. More than they used to, at least. Anyways, you may continue reading. Please don't forget to vote and share this story. I really appreciate any support.

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