Hearthome City

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Dawn and Bradley awaken, roughly at the same time. They get prepared for their day and smile with anticipation. Once they head downstairs, they see Zoey, waiting for them.

Dawn: Huh? Zoey? I thought you were leaving?

Zoey: Well, Lucas said he wants to do some training, so I have a bit of free time. It's been a while since my last contest. I attended the grand festival just as Lucas did the Pokemon league... I too lost... So, I've just been training. But now that I'm here, I want to try to get a sixth ribbon... And as for you, Bradley. I want you to try a contest.

Bradley and Dawn: T... Try a contest?!?!

Zoey: Yup. It's a way to get Bradley out of his shell... And contests can help battling skills in surprising ways. And just to be fair, Dawn can challenge the Hearthome gym as well. That will also help you two understand each other's dreams and challenges better.

Dawn: I... I had never considered any of that.

Bradley: Hmm... I suppose it's worth a shot... I wanna see what Dawn goes through. Let's try it!

Dawn: Are... Are you sure Bradley? You're a quick learner, so you could pose a big threat to me...

Bradley: Come on Dawn, you're way more used to this than me. Not to mention, power isn't always what's important. I just wanna try this with you.

Zoey: Heheh. Let him try Dawn.

Dawn: Mmm... Okay. This could be interesting. Go get a suit, and meet me at the front desk before 10:00, so you can sign up.

Bradley: Right away!! I'll see ya then Dawn!

An interesting turn of events as Bradley will try to perform at a contest. How will this end? Who knows.

Bradley gets a tuxedo and signs up for this contest. However, without ball capsules and experience, Bradley will have to work twice as hard. This could end well or terribly.

Bradley: This will play out a lot differently than I expected... Heheh. Get ready dawn, because we are temporarily rivals! And I don't hold back!

Dawn: Mmm. Yeah... I understand... I will do my best. And if that means you win... Than you win...

Bradley: Heh. Dawn, cheer up. I've never done this before. The only thing I have going for me is the fact that I'm not nervous. Aside from that, I'll probably F up My performance worse than any first time coordinator.

Dawn: Hehe. I can imagine you tripping over your own Pokemon... Haha!

Bradley: Pfft! Or I accidentally attack the judges! Hahaha!

Zoey chuckles softly

Zoey: I think I'm up first, guys... Good luck to you both.

Bradley: Have fun, Zoey.

Dawn: You'll do great.

Zoey: Thanks.

After Zoey's stunning performance, up comes Bradley.

Announcer: And up for his contest debut, is Bradley!! From Twinleaf Town!!

Bradley: Heheh. Here I am... Haha. Electabuzz! It's your scene! Dramatic entrance, just like we practiced!

Electabuzz comes out of his pokeball to use the beautiful attack, swift. As the stars fly around the room, Electabuzz, copies Bradley's movements. However, instead of throwing off a fedora like Bradley does, Electabuzz throws electricity through the pattern of stars. As the electricity makes its full way around, the stars erupt into a beautiful rain of sparkles. Said sparkles fall onto the audience as well, showing a close up of how beautiful a Pokemon like Electabuzz can be.

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