Chapter 1- The trio

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I was running, laughing like an idiot, a stupid smile plastered to my probably sweaty face. Jumping over boulders and pushing trees and branches away as I ran, never even once slowing down. This was my home territory. Well, not exactly, but I loved these woods.

My legs were a little sore, but I didn't stop. It was exhilarating, and I couldn't get caught. At least, not yet.

I broke through the clearing of the forest, onto fresh green grass. The smell of the meadow, was always the same for as long as I can remember. We had come here a lot when I was younger, me mum and dad. Mum said it reminded her of my aunt.

To describe it, I guess it would remind you of grass, and a lawn mower, perhaps daisies, mulberries. Sam says it smells like cheese and baked bread too.

To me, it smelt like just one thing : sunshine.

Sunshine probably doesn't have a smell, exactly, but I always felt this place reminded me of sunshine. Sunshine and freshness and hope.

As I was running, I tipped my head up, slightly, to feel the warm sun on my face. It was nearing the end of what I called 'sumtum.'

Summer and autumn. Sam says it's kind of stupid, because this season is clearly autumn. Yeah, it might be.

The air is kinna cool, but there's still threadings of warmth to it, and the sky is bright with white clouds. A few days ago, you could just lie around and soak in the sun and its heat, getting a nice brown tan, but now, the air is cooler, the floor of the woods sprinkled with red and orange leaves. The meadow is still green as ever, though it could start snowing any day. I love this time of the year – Not so hot to get burned, but sunny and warm.

I start panting a little now, as the laughing and running has really left me winded. Still laughing, I realize I am slowing a little.

A pair of strong arms wind themselves around my waist finally, and lift me into the air.

My head tips back, and my black hair in their ponytail tumbles down . I let myself into freefall then, raising my legs higher into the air, trusting the person holding me. The owner of those arms stumbles a little with my weight, and one of his arms unwinds to act as support as he crashes to the ground with me. I knew he would do that. Not leave me and let me fall. He never would let us get hurt.

Speaking of 'us', suddenly, my vision of blue sky and white clouds is blocked by a shield of fiery red. Instantaneously all the breath gets knocked out of my lungs. Someone has fallen on top of me.

"Urrggh." I get out. Shifting a little, as I inhale a little bit of precious air and say, "Addie, gerroff."

I bring my hands up, and shove my redhead friend to the left, and roll to the right, my head landing on Finnick's arm.

He splutters and takes a deep breath. Both his arms serve as cushions for me and the redhead to his right.

Finnick turns to me and raises his eyebrows in an accusing question. At least, he tries to make it accusing.

"What." I say defensively. "Addie is the idiot here." I point to the redhead. "I was just going to get off, when she purposely fell on me."

"Hey, you guys left me out." Addie complains from the other side of Finnick.

"So you kill us?" I counter.

"Oh come on. Fifty point two kilograms, or one hundred and ten point seven pounds won't hurt."

I am not mad at Addie. Cant be. No one ever really is. Her carefree and slightly dreamy voice does the trick. She also is really cool. She has all these weird facts and stupid but cool comebacks. Nevertheless, I play my card.

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