Chapter 4: Come Home With Me

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Ryan offered to give the whole hockey team and Ely a ride back to the house in his van. Ely was up all morning asking questions while she was supposed to be asleep, so I'm not surprised that she's knocked out now in the back seat with me. Taking what could be my only opportunity to find out what happened in that hospital room, I risk public embarrassment and ask Ryan what everyone is wondering. "So, Ry... what did Ely want to talk to you about?" I ask, already knowing the answer deep down. Ryan pauses before answering, making me suspicious of whether or not he's going to be honest.

"Ely just wanted to know who I am and why I kept peeking in at her," Ryan answers stiffly.

"What did you tell her?" I press, needing to know if all hope is lost.

"Just that I'm a friend and that I was worried," Ryan brushes over. I'm not thrilled, knowing more was definitely said, but it's also comforting not to hear that she and Ryan are together. We finally pull up to the house, but Ely doesn't stir. I get out, walk over to her door and scoop her up to carry her inside. Once we get up to my room, I lay her in my bed and tuck her in. Her peaceful demeanor juxtaposes the violent gash on her forehead. Juxtaposition. I learned that in my writing seminar. Ely would be so impressed with me. That is, if I still had my Ely. My thoughts are interrupted when Ely's stomach growls loudly. I realize she hasn't eaten yet today and it's nearly five p.m. The turbulence in her stomach slightly disturbs her sleep, her eyes fluttering open.

"Are you hungry, baby?" I ask softly, instantly kicking myself for calling her baby out of habit.

"No, my head is killing me," she groans, her voice sleepy. Damn, it drives me wild.

"Okay, I'll give you your medicine, but you've gotta eat first. What would you like?" I offer, wishing I could ease her pain somehow.

"Whatever's fastest," she forces out, rubbing her temples. I think about things that she likes that are easy to make.

"Is oatmeal okay? I know it's weird for dinner, but it's the fastest -"

"Oh my god, oatmeal sounds so good," she murmurs. I laugh to myself. At least there's one thing that hasn't changed.

When I return with her food and pills, I find her curled up in my bed in agony. It hurts to see her like this, so I do all I can to comfort her. I sit next to her on the bed and as softly as I can manage say, "Open up, babe," again, forgetting she's not my girl anymore. Thankfully, she doesn't catch it and simply opens her mouth, her eyes still closed in pain. I spoon feed her the oatmeal.

"Fuck! It's so good," Ely exclaims, making me smile. She takes the bowl and spoon from me and downs the whole thing in a matter of minutes.

"El, here's your meds and," I start, reaching for the bottle of water on my nightstand, "here's your water." She takes the pills before relaxing back into bed.

"Thank you, baby," she says after giving it a moment to work. Wait. Baby? Baby? Baby!

"D- di- did you just -" I stutter in disbelief.

"Yes," she says plainly. "Don't think anything of it, Justin. We're still friends. It just... feels right. I can't explain it, but... it's just a natural thing and I've been fighting it all day. Now, I'm just like... what's the point? You're already calling me pet names and stuff, so it's not like it's a big deal if I do it too, right?" Yes! Yes, it is a big deal!

"No, of course not. Call me what you like, anything sounds beautiful coming from you," I flirt. She punches my arm softly.

"Knock it off, Justin!" She laughs. "You just want to get into my pants," she teases. I roll my eyes.

"That's not all I want," I joke back.

"Yeah, well it's not gonna happen, Bieber. Find another cheerleader."

"There's no one else," I say honestly. She searches my face, but I don't falter.

"This might be my medication talking, but I wish that were true," she slurs sadly, closing her eyes. I realize that she's trying to go back to sleep, so I get up to hit the lights. I open the door to let myself out when her voice stops me. "Where are you going?"

"Uh, I'm gonna go sleep on the couch," I say, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"Please stay?"

"Yeah, I'll -" I start, climbing into bed with her, careful to give her space and not get too close.

"We can't cuddle anymore?" She asks sadly. Damn, this is hard. I don't know what's too close and what's too far. When I don't answer, she starts again, filling the darkness with her beautiful voice. "Justin, you don't have to walk on eggshells around me. Just be. We'll find a way to work it out."

"Okay, but... you'll tell me if anything makes you uncomfortable?" I ask warily. She grabs my hand, playing with my fingers.

"You're my definition of comfort, Justin," she says softly. My heart melts. I envelop her body in my arms, close my eyes, enjoying the warmth of the embrace.

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