Chapter 62: Make A Comeback With Me

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I'm laying in my bed with Ely sleeping on my chest, admiringly stroking her curly hair. In this moment, I feel nothing but grateful for having her here in my arms. That is, until my door is jolted open. I'm frightened by the sudden noise - and still a little faded - causing me to sit up abruptly, accidentally sending Ely rolling off of my bed, her naked body revealed. From my doorway, Za exclaims, "Justin, what the hell?"

"Yeah, Justin, what the hell?" Ely mutters from the floor, clearly not fully awake yet. Overwhelmed, it takes me a moment, but I eventually put enough together to help Ely back into bed, covering her up. She easily drifts back to sleep.

"You promised you wouldn't try anything!" Za whisper yells. "Ti is gonna kill you! Then me for being friends with you!"

"We didn't -" I start.

"Cut the shit. I just saw a whole lot of Ely that I never needed to see," Za retorts.

"We really didn't. Not that it matters. We're back together," I brag grinningly. Za rolls his eyes at this.

"You really do not deserve that girl."

"I know," I agree sadly. "But I'm gonna try to. I swear. Enough about me. What are you doing up so early? In my room?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to walk to practice with me, but clearly," he says gesturing to Ely and I, "you were planning on skipping."

"Shit, I forgot about practice!" I yell, jolting up out of bed, forgetting my nudity.

"God, y'all really need to invest in some robes or something," Za comments, covering his eyes as I rummage through my drawers.

As I'm dressing, Ely whines, "Come back to bed, baby," with her eyes still shut. Damn, I hate practice.

"Babygirl, I gotta go to practice. I'll be back later, okay?" I soothe, Za waiting impatiently in my doorway. I kiss my girl on the forehead before hurrying to put all my hockey gear in my duffel bag. As I'm walking out the door, I'm startled by Ely's groggy, sleepy voice.

"Baby, play well at practice, okay? I'll make it worth your while." I feel a rush where I couldn't last night. I look back at her, and she's as gorgeous as ever. I smile at her lovingly, to which she blushes and bats her eyelashes.

"Okay, lover boy, we're already late," Za interrupts, pulling me away from my girl. As I'm being pulled away, I notice Ely blowing a kiss at me. I bite my lip, feeling untouchable. I've got the hottest girl blowing kisses at me. Damn. This invincible feeling carries over on the ice once Za and I make it to practice. In our scrimmages, nobody can even come close to stopping me. I'm playing better than I have in weeks, and everyone knows it.

"Trying to win back your ex-girlfriend?" Chaz taunts after I steal the puck from him. It's been rare that I've played well in the past few weeks, but on the occasion that I did, the guys knew that they could get to me by bringing up Ely. Za and Ryan would never go as far to do so, but nothing was off limits for the others. Now, however, comments like this fuel me.

"She's not my ex," I retort as I race down the rink to score, yet again. Imaginary cheers go off in my head, my confidence sky high. When the other guys heads turn, I realize the cheering isn't in my head. It's real. I follow the guys' line of vision to see my girl in the stands, front row, wearing my old jersey, cheering me on. I bite my lip, beyond turned on.

"Dammit, Ely's back?" Chaz complains.

"You should be more worried that Justin's back, bro," Christian comments from the net.

"I thought these were closed practices. She can't be here!" Chaz argues.

"When your slapshot looks like his, then you can start enforcing rules," Christian defends, thank heavens. And the rest of practice isn't much different. I kill shit on the ice, Ely cheers me on, repeat. I love every second of it. The second I step off the ice, I'm enveloped in her arms, stopping me while the rest of the guys head for the locker room.

"Oh my god, baby, you did so good," she coos, covering me with kisses. I love it too much to let her stop, so I grip her ass firmly with my right hand. She gasps, looking up at me through her eyelashes seductively. Smirkingly, I use my grasp on her butt to lift her up. I feel her wrap her legs around my waist to hold herself there, continuing to kiss my sweaty body. I honestly couldn't be happier.

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