Chapter 60: Shots With Me

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"Cmon, I need a drink," Ely states, getting out of bed. I want to tell her it might not be a good idea, but I refrain, following her downstairs. In the kitchen, she searches the cabinets for I don't know what, until she materializes four shot glasses. Shots? This is new. I frown, wondering how much of her I don't know now. After lining them up on the counter, she grabs the bottle of vodka, filling them all in a line. Since when can she do that? She pulls two for herself, and pushes two toward me.

"Um, maybe we should pace ourselves," I suggest, taking one of her shot glasses and adding it to my row, so that I have three to her one. She rolls her eyes, downing it easier, much easier than she'd have been able to take it before. "Somebody's been drinking," I comment.

"It numbs the pain," she mocks wryly. I look at her sadly as she takes her shot glass back. I down both of mine in response before refilling the glasses. She downs both of hers immediately, saying, "Hit me again."

"El," I warn seriously. "Take it easy."

She reaches to take the bottle from my hands, but I'm stronger than her. She shrugs, taking my shots instead. "Again."

"Baby, that's six," I concern.

"Numbing the pain," she repeats. "Now, put me onto eight," she demands.

"What pain, baby? We're together, now. I'm trying for you."

"Well, it doesn't feel like we're together," she counters.

"What do you mean?" I ask after taking a large swig of vodka, straight from the bottle.

"You don't believe me when I say Jaden's just a friend. You really think I'd let another guy touch me? While I'm waiting for you? You really think I'd give myself to anyone but you? Just like that?" She argues. "You're not acting like I'm yours..." she whispers. I get up from my chair at the island, closing the gap between us. I place my hand forcefully on the side of her face, gripping it. I lean in so close that she and I are exchanging breaths.

"Say you're mine," I whisper.

"I'm yours," she whispers, caught off guard. At the sound of this, I crash my lips on hers. She and I make out passionately. She stands, tiptoeing to reach my height. I lift her up by her thighs, holding her. I grip her tighter, making her moan into my mouth. I pull away slightly, just enough to speak.

"I missed that sound," I breathe as she struggles to continue the kiss. I let her, until she pulls away to speak.

"Make me do it again," she says breathily, before kissing me again. My hands migrate to her ass, gripping it tightly as I grind my hips into hers while kissing her still. She moans loudly, leading me to continue rolling my hips on her.

"Hey, man, I got the weed you asked - oh hey, Ely," I hear from the doorway. I set Ely down to turn to see who it is. Of course, it's Christian, holding up a plastic bag of weed. I look down at Ely embarrassedly, but she's not focusing on me, her glare is on Christian, and oh, it's angry. She wraps her arms around me defensively.

"Justin, do you want the drugs?" She asks, never breaking the death stare she has on Christian.

"Uh, no," I stutter nervously, watching for her reaction. She doesn't look away from Christian for a second.

"Gotcha," he laughs, putting two and two together. "Gotta keep your woman happy, right?"

"Always," I agree, pulling her in close. She looks up at me, pleased and expecting a kiss. I peck her lips softly.

"Let's go upstairs, baby," she whines. "I wanna make love," she adds, squeezing me tightly. Woah. I'm almost knocked off my feet by her affection. She begins leaving the kitchen and I follow closely behind. Christian grabs my shoulder as I pass him, stopping me. Ely continues on. Christian sniffs me before eyeing the vodka and shot glasses.

"Good luck getting it up," he whispers laughingly. Shit. I stop in my tracks. I'm both drunk and high. It's my first chance in weeks to have sex, and I might not even be able to get hard. What the fuck! "Just stare at her tits. You'll be fine," Christian advises.

"Justin! Are you coming?" Ely calls from the staircase.

Boy, I hope so.

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